ngx-pica is an Angular 5 module to resize images files in browser using pica - high quality image resize in browser.
- Add
module as dependency to your project.
$ npm install ngx-pica --save
- Include
into your main AppModule or in module where you will use it.
// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgxPicaModule } from 'ngx-pica';
imports: [
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
exports: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule {}
- NgxPicaService - Manipulate images using pica - high quality image resize in browser
- NgxPicaImageService - Supplementary services to help you work with images
.resizeImages(files: File[], width: number, height: number, options?: NgxPicaResizeOptionsInterface): Observable<File>
This method resize an array of images doing it sequentially to optimize CPU and memory use.
- files:[] - Array of images to resize
- width - Width to be resized (px)
- height - Height to be resized (px)
- options - Based on pica - resize options, we've also added aspect ratio options:
- keepAspectRatio - Set true to ensure the aspect ratio of the image is maintained as it get resized
- forceMinDimensions - Set true to ensure the dimensions of image resized will be greater than width and height values defined
The Observable receives a next on every file that has been resized. If something goes wrong the Observable receive an error.
All errors are wrapped by NgxPicaErrorInterface.
.resizeImage(file: File, width: number, height: number, options?: NgxPicaResizeOptionsInterface): Observable<File>
Same as above but only takes one file instead of an array of files.
This method compress an array of images doing it sequentially to optimize CPU and memory use.
- files:[] - Array of images to resize
- sizeInMB - File size in MegaBytes
The Observable receives a next on every file that has been resized. If something goes wrong the Observable receive an error.
All errors are wrapped by NgxPicaErrorInterface.
Same as above but only takes one file instead of an array of files.
This method check if a file is an image or not
export interface AspectRatioOptions {
keepAspectRatio: boolean;
forceDimensions?: boolean;
export interface NgxPicaResizeOptionsInterface {
aspectRatio?: AspectRatioOptions;
quality?: number;
alpha?: boolean;
unsharpAmount?: number;
unsharpRadius?: number;
unsharpThreshold?: number;
export enum NgxPicaErrorType {
export interface NgxPicaErrorInterface {
err: NgxPicaErrorType;
file?: File;
import { Component, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxPicaService } from 'ngx-pica';
selector: 'app-home',
template: `
<img *ngFor="let image of images" [src]="image" />
<input type="file" [attr.accept]="image/*" multiple
export class AppHomeComponent {
images: File[] = [];
constructor(private _ngxPicaService: NgxPicaService) {
public handleFiles(event: any) {
const files: File[] =;
this._ngxPicaService.resizeImages(files, 1200, 880)
.subscribe((imageResized: File) => {
let reader: FileReader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener('load', (event: any) => {
}, false);
}, (err: NgxPicaErrorInterface) => {
throw err.err;