PHPDock is a Docker-based development environment for PHP applications. It simplifies the setup and management of PHP development environments by using Docker containers.
- Supports multiple PHP versions at the same time.
- Easily add the PHP extensions you want.
- Xdebug.
- A lot of extra services in the Docker Compose.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Clone the repository:
git clone cd phpdock
Copy the example environment file and customize it: e.g. modify the PHP extensions you want using the PHP_EXTENSIONS variable.
cp .env.example .env
Create the nginx site in the path: nginx/sites/* e.g you can copy the the example laravel conf and modify to your own if you want to use diferent than the defailt php version can modify fastcgi_pass to the fpm you want e.g php-fpm7.3:9000
Build and start the Docker containers (in the below example, you will have the default PHP FPM version, MariaDB, PHP 7.4, and nginx):
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.extras.yml up -d php-fpm nginx mariadb php-fpm7.4