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4. Setup QtCreator (IDE) For Code Development

Dave edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 9 revisions

Note it is recommended that you get the command line build working successfully first. The steps below assume you have followed the process on page 2 of the wiki.

Installing Qt Creator Program Itself

Run the MaintenanceTool program that was installed when Qt itself was installed - ie
sudo /opt/Qt/MaintenanceTool

Select "Add or remove components", then under "Qt" then "Developer and Designer Tools" select "Qt Creator" and press next
(at the time of writing the current version is v10.0.1)
Once installed, click next/finish to conclude the process.

Installing Doxygen

Install doxygen using the usual linux installation approach - ie
sudo apt-get install doxygen

Installing qwt

Download the latest version of qwt from and place in a convenient location (eg desktop) (at the time of writing, the current version of qwt is v6.2.0)
From a cli change directory to the folder containing qwt and then build and install it - ie
cd qwt-6.2.0
sudo make install

Finally to tell QtCreator (actually qmake) how to find qwt, type the following command
qmake -set QMAKEFEATURES /usr/local/qwt-6.2.0/features

If you have installed qwt to the non-default directory, the above step will need to be adjusted accordingly.


Once the above have been successfully installed, you should be able to load the qsstv project from QtCreator and Build and Run the program.