Task of this project was creating unit tests for Udacity's Feed Reader app. Javascript testing framework Jasmine was used for testing. Tests are conducted to ensure that the JS code works as it's supposed to.
The app itself consists of different links about a topic. User can pick topics from the menu, by clicking on the hamburger menu icon. It takes them to a list of links related to the selected topic. Not very exciting, perhaps - but the app is only there as our playground for testing.
RSS Feeds:
- are defined
- have a valid URL defined
- have valid names defined
The menu:
- is hidden
- toggles visibility on click on the menu icon
Initial Entries:
- have at least one entry
New Feed Selection:
- is different from the previous feed
Unfortunatlely, live web link is unavailable - because for some reason Github pages do not allow me to load the tests (which is the whole point of the task). Therefore,it needs to be run locally which you can achieve by downloading on cloning this repository. Instructions below.
- Download the repository: click download ZIP on the right of the screen and extract the zip file to your computer or clone the repository using Git.
- Navigate to where you unzipped the file or cloned the repository.
- Open index.html in your browser.
- At the bottom of the screen you'll see a Jasmine section which has tests and results of tests performed ( "~ specs, ~ failures").
- Ozana Buljan
- Initial work - Udacity
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Thanks to Udacity, my mentor and my classmates for this opportunity and all the support!