This repository holds the code to do integration tests with Appium and Session on iOS and Android.
First, you need to download android studio at
Once installed, run it, open the SDK Manager and install the latest SDK tools.
Once this is done, open up the AVD Manager, click on "Create Device" -> "Pixel 6" -> Next -> Select the System Image you want (I did my tests with UpsideDownCake), install it, select it, "Next" and "Finish".
Then, create a second emulator following the exact same steps (the tests need 2 different emulators to run).
Once done, you should be able to start each emulators and have them running at the same time. They will need to be running for the tests to work, because Appium won't start them.
Before you can start the tests, you need to setup some environment variables. See the file .env.sample for an example.
should point to the folder containing the sdks, so the folder containing folders like platform-tools
, system-images
, etc...
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Android/Sdk
should point to the file containing the apks to install for testing (such as session-1.18.2-x86.apk
export APPIUM_ANDROID_BINARIES_ROOT=~/appium-binaries
should point to the binary of adb inside the ANDROID_SDK folder
export APPIUM_ADB_FULL_PATH=~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb
Having multiple adb on your system will make tests unreliable, because the server will be restarted by Appium.
On linux, if running which adb
does not point to the adb
binary in the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
you will have issues.
You can get rid of adb on linux by running
sudo apt remove adb
sudo apt remove android-tools-adb
which adb
should not return anything.
Somehow, Appium asks for the sdk tools but do not force the adb binary to come from the sdk tools folder. Making sure that there is no adb in your path should solve this.
First you need to get correct branch of Session that you want to test from Github. See [(] and download the latest ipa under Assets
Then to access the .app file that Appium needs for testing you need to build in Xcode and then find .app in your Derived Data folder for Xcode.
For Mac users this file will exist in:
Macintosh HD > Username > Library > Developer > Xcode > Derived Data > (Then there will be a version of Session with a very long line of letters) > Build > Products > App store-iphonesimulator >
Then Copy and Paste then app file onto Desktop (or anywhere you can access easily) then each time you build, navigate back to the file in Derived Data and copy and paste back to Desktop. Then set the path to in your ios capabilities file.
First, install nvm for your system ( For windows, head here: For Mac,
nvm install #install node version from the .nvmrc file, currently v16.13.0
nvm use # use that same node version, currently v16.13.0
npm install -g yarn
yarn install --frozen # to install packages referenced from yarn.lock
Then, choose an option:
yarn build-and-test # Build typescript and run the tests
yarn run test # Run all the tests
Platform specific
yarn run test-android # To run just Android tests
yarn run test-ios # To run just iOS tests
yarn run test-one 'Name of test' # To run one test (on both platforms)
yarn run test-one 'Name of test android/ios' # To run one test on either platform