1.1. include the libwebrtc.aar
into the Android project.
1.2. import org.webrtc.KrispAudioProcessingImpl
var audioProcessorModule = KrispAudioProcessingImpl()
2.1. Load the stdlib required by Krisp Audio SDK. Load it before using Krisp.
2.2. Load the jingle_peerconnection_so. The library is required to use WebRTC on Android.
You can load Krisp model specifying file path. For this scenario you should make sure the Android app has access to the file resource.
val modelFilePath = “c6.f.s.ced125.kw”
val krispDllpath = "libkrisp-audio-sdk.so"
var retValue = audioProcessorModule.Init(modelFilePath, krispDllpath)
if (!retValue) {
// report error, read the logs for the details
Make sure to specify correct file paths, these are hard coded sample values.
Alternatively, you can load Krisp model by specifying model data content loaded into the memory.
var modelData: ByteArray // = load the model into the memory
audioProcessorModule.InitWithData(modelData, krispDllpath)
if (!retValue) {
return null
to enable Krisp NC during runtime
to disable Krisp NC
mkdir workdir
cd workdir
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:$PATH
fetch --nohooks webrtc_android
cd src
git checkout branch-heads/6478
git checkout -b 6478-modified a18e38fed2307edd6382760213fa3ddf199fa181
cd ..
gclient sync
cd src
git clone git@github.com:krispai/webrtc-android-krisp-module.git
Add krisp_processor library into the dependency list of the rtc_shared_library(“libjingle_peerconnection_so”)
deps = [ “../../webrtc-android-krisp-module:krisp_processor”, ….]
Add krisp_java library into the dependency list of the dist_jar(“libwebrtc”), for creating public java modules
deps = [ “../../webrtc-android-krisp-module:krisp_java”, ….]
See the screenshot.
python3 tools_webrtc/android/build_aar.py
ls libwebrtc.aar