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Library: Rest

ᴏᴠ ━ ᴀɴɪꜱᴀ edited this page Dec 5, 2024 · 7 revisions

» Overview

Seeking a more streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly alternative to fetchRemote and callRemote to enhance your productivity? Consider transitioning to Assetify's REST module, where we handle it natively on your behalf! 😃

» Importing

Add the below code globally once in either of the shared .lua script of the resource you want to use within:


» APIs

  • - shared

    Executes a GET request on specified URL.

    local promise: cPromise =
       string: route, --Remote URL
       int: timeout, --Optional
       table: headers, --Optional
       table: credentials --Optional: Essentially required for protected requests
  • - shared

    Executes a POST request on specified URL.

    local promise: cPromise =
       string: route, --Remote URL
       table: data,
       int: timeout, --Optional
       table: headers, --Optional
       table: credentials --Optional: Essentially required for protected requests