My name is Aidan and I am a Computer Science student!
public class Aidan
private int age = 20;
public String[] traits = new String[] { "dumb", "short", "nerd" };
public String[] hobbies = new String[] { "Coding!", "Ultimate Frisbee", "Chess", "Wrestling", "Sleeping" };
Other accounts at companies I have worked at:
- @aidandashama - DoorDash
- @aidanbarkama - Datadog
I have been interested in coding from the ripe age of 11 years old. I started off coding using block Scratch code and grew to learn line langauges such as Python and Java. At 13 I used my Java knowledge to experiment with Minecraft plugins and started to create my own. At around 14 - 15 I started to try creating my own games in Unity, where I dipped my toes into C#. Now I am playing around with Web Design and languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I have tried tools such as Node.js and React, however, I am still learning!
- Experience:
- Mentored for 3 months by Mukund Iyengar Director of Launchpad
- Self-Taught Game Developer (2 Years) and Front-End Web Developer (1 Year)
- You can view a few of my projects here on my GitHub page!
- 📋 Currently I am:
- Self-teaching AI / Machine Learning
- Grinding LeetCode
- Interning for NUKEMAP this summer
- Participating in Launchpad@Stevens