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EarthSeige texture pack for Minetest

A 64x64 texture pack for minetest. A result of a lot of this red baloon's hard work. You will just have to try it for youself to see if you like it.

For Default Game AND Modded Servers or Modded Singleplayer!

(here: comming soon, a list of the supported mods)

For default game, it is complete.

It also includes a LOT of the popular (and even some private server-side) mod textures too!
Of the texture packs available, this one aims to be very complete.

To date, approximately 653 hours have been spent in the various
programs I use to devise these textures.

Important Notes for the Future:

The overrides.txt has all it's comment footnotes in a file called 'overrides.txt.comments'
to keep it neat and tidy. This file will be moving into the 'extras' subdirectory by the
Fall of 2021. 

Due to github's semi-annoying directory truncation, I may have to split things (back) up into
directories but I havent done this because minetest loads the texture pack MUCH slower when
it is split up like that (It can take up to an extra 3-5 minutes on some machines!). I havent
decided on a workaround for this but a few are listed here:

    Installer (not desirable, just another annoying step for the user)
    Archive textures (again, another annoying step for the user, plus cant see it on github)
    Split into Dirs by mod (tried this, slows things way down)
    Move things into dirs by file count (kinda cumbersome)
    Move things into dirs by name (slow AND cumbersome)
    Link to an online installer (security and cross-platform issues here)

    Any ideas are welcome. The last entry might be employed just as an added convienence 
    in addition to another measure, at this time, you will have to clone or download the
    repository to see all the files in it. I am going to also try adding a list of supported
    mods as soon as I get around to it (as I note later in this and other documentation).

Programs Used To Produce This Pack:

Gimp 2.8, 2.10      Photoshop CS6       Adobe Draw, Sketchbook
Krita 4.3           Gwenview            LibreOffice Draw 2020
Blender             TextureMaker EE     Genetica
Materialist         Tilemolester        FreeTextures (website for royalty-free textures)
Pixlr               Paint Tool SAI      Blender Compositor
Maya 2009 LE        3DSMAX 2008 FE      vim/spaceVIM (code/text reading)
nano 2.4.0 [1]      nano 4.9-104 [2]    perl 5.20.2 [1]
perl 5.30.* [2]     ImageMagick [4]     GhostScript
Lua 5.2.4 [3]       zsh 5.8-x64 [3]     Inkscape 

Operating Systems Used

75% Xubuntu (17.04, 19.10, 20.10, and currently 21.04) 15% Windows XP, 7, 10 (under virtualbox to run the windows based programs that wine cannot) 10% Wine Where Possible (Texturemaker and Photoshop, ran under this, but not 3DSMax, Genetica or Tilemolester)

Window Managers

i3 (primary window manager for 90% of the time, most reliable) gxdwm (my own fork of dwm, used for some stuff i3 cant do) enlightenment e-23 (0.23.1) (my preferred window manager, when i have the resources)


A very slow machine, just an old Intel Core2 Duo 3.1Ghz, Two threads even though it says core2 the idea of cores and threads back then didnt mean the same thing apparently.

RAM: 4GB (1GB dedicated to the VC) Video: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610/PCIe/SSE (all lanes with external power connector) Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy ZS2-PE Gold-Plated Version with Live!Drive (10-channel surround), optical Onboard (standard sucky pretend ac3 audio thing) HDD: (worst part) 40GB WDC Drive, and not a very fast one have to use 4 usb sticks just to do this texture pack half my programs run off of USB sticks, im poor

Why post the specs anyway? To show exactly what was used to create the texture pack, in case anyone wanted to know. Saves me answering questions later.


See override.txt.comments for that

See for a markdown copy of this file


[1] Used during initial stages of project [2] Replaced usage of [1] in the past 5 months (from Sun 13 Jun 2021 09:36:46 AM EDT) [3] Programming Languages were used to write scripts to do further processing [4] Binaries used within scripts or programs used to process images

The pack has changed A LOT, so I will make new shots ASAP. This pack is geared toward Blocky Survival and Tunneler's Abyss, if you have a server you'd like me to test on, shoot me a message on github or on the Tunneler's Abyss Discord.

This Out-of-date Screenshot: