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21 repositories
Public- Two programming Assignments of CS305 2023 Spring: Computer Network, SUSTech. Taught by Prof. Zhuozhao LI @ZhuozhaoLi.
Public- Course Assignment of CS309 2023 Fall: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, SUSTech. Taught by Prof. Yuqun ZHANG @zhangyuqun .
- Full score course code of CS328 2024 Fall: Distributed and Cloud Computing, SUSTech. Taught by Prof. Georgios Theodoropoulos @theogeorgios .
Public- (Spring Boot 2.5 + Vue 3) (96/100) Dormitory Selection System: Our Project of CS309 2023 Fall: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, SUSTech. Taught by Prof. Yuqun ZHANG @zhangyuqun .
- (1120/1100) Labs of CS208 2023 Spring: Algorithm Design and Analysis (ADA), SUSTech. Taught by Prof. Yuhui SHI.
Public- (1080/1000) Labs of CS203 2022 Fall: Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis, SUSTech. Taught by Prof. Bo TANG @tangloner.