haraka-results 2.2.1
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @haraka/haraka-results@2.2.1
Install via package.json:
"@haraka/haraka-results": "2.2.1"
About this version
Add, log, retrieve, and share the results of plugin tests.
Results is a structured way of storing results from plugins across a session, allowing those results to be retrieved later or by other plugins.
Results objects are present on every Haraka connection and transaction. When in a SMTP transaction, results from both are applicable to that transaction.
Use results in your plugins like so:
exports.my_first_hook = function (next, connection) {
// run a test
// store the results
connection.results.add(this, {pass: 'my great test' })
// run another test
// store the results
connection.results.add(this, {fail: 'gotcha!', msg: 'show this'})
Store the results in the transaction (vs connection):
connection.transaction.results.add(this, {...});`
Each plugin can have custom settings in results.ini to control results logging. There are three options available: hide, order, and debug.
- hide - a comma separated list of results to hide from the output
- order - a comman separated list, specifing the order of items in the output
- debug - log debug messages every time results are called
; put this in config/results.ini
Store information. Most calls to results
will append data to the lists
in the connection. The following lists are available:
pass - names of tests that passed
fail - names of tests that failed
skip - names of tests that were skipped (with a why, if you wish)
err - error messages encountered during processing
msg - arbitratry messages
human - a custom summary to return (bypass collate)
emit - log an INFO summary
When err results are received, a logerror is automatically emitted, saving the need to specify {emit: true} with the request.
const results = connection.results
results.add(this, {pass: 'null_sender'})
results.add(this, {fail: 'single_recipient'})
results.add(this, {skip: 'valid_bounce'}
results.add(this, {err: 'timed out looking in couch cushions'})
results.add(this, {msg: 'I found a nickel!', emit: true})
In addition to appending values to the predefined lists, arbitrary results can be stored in the cache:
results.add(this, {my_result: 'anything I want'})
When arbirary values are stored, they are listed first in the log output. Their display can be suppressed with the hide option in results.ini.
Increment counters. The argument to incr is an object with counter names and increment values. Examples:
results.incr(this, {unrecognized_commands: 1})
results.incr(this, {karma: -1})
results.incr(this, {karma: 2})
Append items onto arrays. The argument to push is an object with array names and the new value to be appended to the array. Examples:
results.push(this, {dns_recs: 'name1'})
results.push(this, {dns_recs: 'name2'})
const summary = results.collate(this)
Formats the contents of the result cache and returns them. This function is
called internally by add()
after each update.
Retrieve the stored results as an object. The only argument is the name of the plugin whose results are desired.
const geoip = results.get('geoip')
if (geoip && geoip.distance && geoip.distance > 2000) {
Keep in mind that plugins also store results in the transaction. Example:
const sa = connection.transaction.results.get('spamassassin')
if (sa && sa.score > 5) {
Check result contents for string or pattern matches.
results.has('plugin_name', 'result_name', 'search_term')
- result_name: the name of an array or string in the result object
- search_term: a string or RegExp object
results.add(this, {pass: 'some_test'})
results.add(this, {pass: 'some_test(with reason)'})
if (results.get('plugin_name').pass.indexOf('some_test') !== -1) {
// some_test passed (1x)
if (results.has('plugin_name', 'pass', 'some_test')) {
// some_test passed (1x)
The syntax for using has is a little more pleasant.
Both options require one to check for each reason which is unpleasant when and all we really want to know is if some_test passed or not.
if (results.has('plugin_name', 'pass', /^some_test/)) {
// some_test passed (2x)
To store structured data in results that are hidden from the human and human_html output, prefix the name of the key with an underscore.
results.add(this, { _hidden: 'some data' })
If a redis client is found on server.notes.redis, then new results are JSON
encoded and published to Redis on the channel named result-${UUID}
. This
feature can be disabled by setting [main]redis_publish=false
in results.ini.
Plugins can recieve the events by psubscribing (pattern subscribe) to the
channel named result-${UUID}*
where ${UUID} is the connection UUID.
This is from the karma plugin subscribing on the connect_init
exports.register = function (next, server) {
register_hook('connect_init', 'redis_subscribe');
register_hook('disconnect', 'redis_unsubscribe');
exports.redis_subscribe = function (next, connection) {
this.redis_subscribe(connection, function () {
connection.notes.redis.on('pmessage', (pattern, channel, message) => {
// do stuff with messages that look like this
// {"plugin":"karma","result":{"fail":"spamassassin.hits"}}
// {"plugin":"geoip","result":{"country":"CN"}}
exports.redis_unsubscribe = function (next, connection) {