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253 repositories
Public archivelogstash-input-dynamodb
Public archiveThis input plugin for Logstash scans a specified DynamoDB table and then reads changes to a DynamoDB table from the associated DynamoDB Stream.This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline. This gem is not a stand-alone program.k8s-cloudwatch-adapter
Public archiveAn implementation of Kubernetes Custom Metrics API for Amazon CloudWatch- A solution for providing over the air updates to devices regardless of authentication status with packages generated dynamically based on query params in the request and ETags in the header.
Public archiveapp-analytics-hub
Public archiveaws-serverless-sns-forwarder
Public archiveaws-serverless-codepipeline-serverlessrepo-publish
Public archiveaws-service-catalog-react-components
Public archiveaws-emr-customized-scaling
Public archiveserverless-retail-workshop
Public archiveamazon-kinesis-connectors
Public archiveaws-appsync-relay
Public archiveai-driven-social-media-dashboard
Public archiveThe AI-Driven Social Media Dashboard solutions provides customers with a CloudFormation template that is easy to deploy to use Amazon Translate, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight to build a natural-language-processing (NLP)-powered social media dashboard for
Public archiveamplify-photo-gallery-workshop
Public archivesql-workbench
Public archiveaws-dynamodb-mars-json-demo
Public archivepipeformer
Public archiveaws-lambda-container-image-converter
Public archivesql-cli
Public archiveaws-serverless-sqs-event-source
Public archiveamazon-quicksight-embedding-sample
Public archiveoss-datastore
Public archiveamazon-transcribe-websocket-static
Public archiveA static site demonstrating real-time audio transcription via Amazon Transcribe over a WebSocket.serverless-cf-analysis
Public archive