- 🌱 I’m a Computer Engineer passionate about building innovative software solutions
- 💞️ I’m interested in personal projects which help me improve my programming skills
- 🔭 I'm interested in Python/C/C++/C#/Java/Javascript languages and Django/Pygame/Pandas frameworks
- 👀 I’m looking for a work opportunity in the international work environment
- 📫 How to reach me: onur93arikan@gmail.com
- 🔗 You can reach my CV here
- Formula 1 Fantasy League (2017-): An online guessing game for Formula 1 developed in Python's Django framework which requires budget management and strategy skills, first and only one in Turkey, played by hundreds of people. On its website
- Splendid: Intelligent design system for the board game called Splendor, being developed through Django and Channels, it is a web application that can be played as multiplayer or against AI in real time. It uses a robust and modern authentication system and Elo rating system for ranking and fair matchmaking.
- Flagsweeper: Multiplayer version of Minesweeper game we all know, written in PyGame
- Solar System Plotter: A simple Python program which plots the solar system with given parameters, in heliocentric or geocentric view with an option to generate an animated GIF showing movements over time. On its website
- Syllabify-Turkish: A simple Javascript program which divide a Turkish sentence into its syllables. On its website
- PySplendor: Splendor board game in command line interface
- Habit Tracker: A simple habit tracker which helps you to track your habits and visualize your progress
- simpleF1simulator: A simple Formula 1 simulator which outputs race results after given inputs
- formula1_elo: Ranking the fastest Formula 1 drivers by using the Elo scoring system.
- ChatCSV: A simple Python program which converts WhatsApp or Telegram chat history into a CSV file and creates analysis on it
- Elo Rating Calculator: This script calculates the Elo rating adjustment for two players based on their current ratings and the outcome of their match.
You can see these projects and more at repository tab above.