Openize.AForge This is a fork of the AForge.Net project, which includes the Imaging library. This version has been translated into the NetStandard 2.0 framework, and uses Aspose.Drawing as a graphics engine, which allows you to create cross-platform applications using lastest .Net platforms.
Openize.AForge can be used to develop applications on Windows Desktop (x86, x64), Windows Server (x86, x64), Windows Azure, Windows Embedded (CE 6.0 R2), as well as Linux x64. The supported platforms include Net Core 3.1, Net6.0, Net7.0, Net8.0.
- Change FileFormat to Openize
- Update Aspose.Drawing Engine
Are you ready to give Openize.AForge a try? Simply execute
Install-Package Openize.AForge
from Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to fetch the NuGet package. If you already have AForge.Imaging.Net and want to upgrade the version, please execute
Update-Package Openize.AForge
to get the latest version.
- Openize.AForge is distributed under LGPL license
- Aspose.Drawing .NET is distributed under Aspose EULA license;
//Set License for Aspose.Drawing
System.Drawing.AsposeDrawing.License license = new System.Drawing.AsposeDrawing.License();
//Create grayscale filter
var grayscaleFilter = new Openize.AForge.Imaging.Filters.Grayscale(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722);
//open image
using (var bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"sample.bmp"))
//convert image to grayscale
using (var grayscaleImage = grayscaleFilter.Apply(bmp))
//save grayscale image
grayscaleImage.Save(@"grayscale.png", ImageFormat.Png);
You can see other examples directly on the AForge website.