Command line utilities for the Open Force Field software stack
Please note that this software in an early and experimental state and unsuitable for production.
Currently, the only available installation method is a local build
git clone
cd openff-cli
python -m pip install .
A simple utility to print the OpenFF packages found to be installed, and their versions
$ python openff/cli/
Found the following packages installed
Package name Version
------------ -------
OpenFF Toolkit 0.7.2
Openforcefields 1.2.1
OpenFF Evaluator Not found
OpenFF System Not found
OpenFF CLI Not found
CMILES 0.1.5
Generate conformers from a starting structure, and minimize them using an OpenFF force field. Toolkit wrappers in the OpenFF Toolkit is used to call either The RDKit or OpenEye Omega to generate conformers, which are then energy-minimized with OpenMM.
This requires OpenFF Toolkit
version 0.7.1 or newer.
$ python openff/cli/ --help
[--constrained CONSTRAINED]
Generate conformers with cheminformatics toolkits
required arguments:
-t TOOLKIT, --toolkit TOOLKIT
Name of the underlying cheminformatics toolkit to use.
Accepted values are openeye and rdkit
Name of the force field to use, i.e. openff-1.0.0
-m MOLECULE, --molecule MOLECULE
Path to an input file containing a molecule(s)
optional arguments:
-r RMS_CUTOFF, --rms-cutoff RMS_CUTOFF
The redundancy cutoff between pre-minimized conformers
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
The prefix for filenames of output molecules
--constrained CONSTRAINED
Whether or not to use a constrained version of the
force field
Generate conformers from a molecule in an SDF file, using The RDKit to sample conformers, and minimizing with OpenFF 1.2.0 "Parsley":
$ python openff/cli/ --molecule x.sdf --toolkit rdkit --forcefield openff-1.2.0
This produces many files named molecule_N.sdf
where N begins at 0 for the lowest-energy conformer and increases with increasing conformer energy. In this case, 97 conformers were generated:
$ ls molecule_*.sdf | wc -l
Do the same, but with OpenEye Omega, OpenFF 1.0 "Parsley," and a save the conformers in files starting with coolmol
$ python openff/cli/ --molecule molecule.sdf --toolkit openeye --forcefield openff-1.0.0 --prefix coolmol
In this case, 101 conformers were generated, following the same naming scheme:
$ ls coolmol_*.sdf | wc -l
Copyright (c) 2020, Open Force Field Initiative
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.3.