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@github-actions github-actions released this 30 Aug 00:18
· 5924 commits to main since this release

The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release, be sure to check the release notes there as well.

User Facing Changes

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • jaegerreceiver: Deprecate remote_sampling config in the jaeger receiver (#24186)
    The jaeger receiver will fail to start if remote_sampling config is specified in it. The receiver.jaeger.DisableRemoteSampling feature gate can be set to let the receiver start and treat remote_sampling config as no-op. In a future version this feature gate will be removed and the receiver will always fail when remote_sampling config is specified.

  • googlecloudexporter: remove retry_on_failure from the googlecloud exporter. The exporter itself handles retries, and retrying can cause issues. (#57233)

  • vcenterreceiver: Dimensions performance metrics into metric attribute object (#25147)
    The following metrics have been effected to include the new metric attribute to properly dimension the,,,vcenter.vm.disk.latency.avg,vcenter.vm.disk.latency.max,,,,,,, and More information on how to migrate can be found at

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • datadogprocessor: Deprecation of Datadog processor in favor of Datadog connector (#19740)
  • tanzuobservabilityexporter: Deprecation of Tanzu Observability (Wavefront) Exporter in favor of native OTLP ingestion. (#24225)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • redisreceiver: Adding username parameter for connecting to redis (#24408)
  • postgresqlreceiver: Added postgresql.temp_files metric. (#26080)
  • receiver/azuremonitor: Added new attrbutes to the metrics like name, type and resource_group. (#24774)
  • clickhouseexporter: Change writing of metrics data to batch (#24403)
  • signalfxexporter: Added a mechanism to drop histogram buckets (#25845)
  • journaldreceiver: add support for identifiers (#20295)
  • journaldreceiver: add support for dmesg (#20295)
  • cassandraexporter: Allow custom port for Cassandra connection (#24391)
  • pkg/ottl: Add converters to covert duration to nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours (#24686)
  • snmpreceiver: Support scalar OID resource attributes (#23373)
    Add column and scalar OID metrics to resources that have scalar OID attributes
  • googlemanagedprometheus: Add a add_metric_suffixes option to the googlemanagedprometheus exporter. When set to false, metric suffixes are not added. (#26071)
  • haproxyreceiver: Add support for HTTP connections (#24440)
  • cmd/telemetrygen: Add cli flag --status-code for trace generation (#24286)
  • kubeletstatsreceiver: Add a new uptime metric for nodes, pods, and containers to track how many seconds have passed since the object started (#25867)
  • opensearchexporter: implement OpenSearch exporter. (#23611)
  • pkg/ottl: Add new ExtractPatterns converter that extract regex pattern from string. (#25834, #25856)
  • pkg/ottl: Add support for Log, Metric and Trace Slices to Len converter (#25868)
  • lokitranslator: Added Attributes support to the InstrumentationScope (#24027)
  • lokitranslator: Public method LogToLokiEntry from pkg/loki/translator now returns normalized (. replaced by _) label names (#26093)
  • postgresqlreceiver: Added postgresql.deadlocks metric. (#25688)
  • postgresqlreceiver: Added postgresql.sequential_scans metric. (#26096)
  • prometheusreceiver: The otel_scope_name and otel_scope_version labels are used to populate scope name and version. otel_scope_info is used to populate scope attributes. (#25870)
  • receiver/prometheus: translate units from prometheus to UCUM (#23208)
  • snmpreceiver: Add support for SNMP values of type counter64 (#23897)
  • snmpreceiver: Timeout for SNMP requests can now be configured. (#25885)
  • telemetrygen: The telemetrygen now supports setting the log's body (#26031)
  • awsxrayexporter: add exporter.awsxray.skiptimestampvalidation Alpha feature gate to remove xray timestamp restriction on first 32 bits of trace id (#26041)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • receiver_creator: Update expr and relocate breaking type function to typeOf (#26038)
  • azuremonitor_logexporter: The log exporter now supports non-string data for the log record body. (#23422)
  • vcenterreceiver: Added a vcenter.resource_pool.inventory_path resource attribute to resource pool metrics in order to properly dimension resource pools of the same name. (#25831)
  • loadbalancingexporter: fix k8s service resolver retaining invalid old endpoints (#24914)
  • prometheusremotewriteexporter: Retry on 5xx status codes using cenkalti/backoff client (#20304)
  • cmd/telemetrygen: fix the default value of the arg status-code (#25849)

Go API Changes

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • memcachedreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26084)

  • podmanreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26083)

  • zookeeperreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26082)

  • jaegerreceiver: Deprecate remote_sampling config in the jaeger receiver (#24186)
    The jaeger receiver will fail to start if remote_sampling config is specified in it. The receiver.jaeger.DisableRemoteSampling feature gate can be set to let the receiver start and treat remote_sampling config as no-op. In a future version this feature gate will be removed and the receiver will always fail when remote_sampling config is specified.

  • pkg/ottl: use IntGetter argument for Substring function (#25852)

  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated 'helper.Encoding' and 'helper.EncodingConfig.Build' (#25846)

  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated fileconsumer config structs (#24853)
    Includes | - MatchingCriteria - OrderingCriteria - NumericSortRule - AlphabeticalSortRule - TimestampSortRule

  • googlecloudexporter: remove retry_on_failure from the googlecloud exporter. The exporter itself handles retries, and retrying can cause issues. (#57233)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate 'helper.EncodingConfig' and 'helper.NewEncodingConfig' (#25846)
  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate encoding related elements of helper pacakge, in favor of new decoder package (#26019)
    Includes the following deprecations | - Decoder - NewDecoder - LookupEncoding - IsNop
  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate tokenization related elements of helper pacakge, in favor of new tokenize package (#25914)
    Includes the following deprecations | - Flusher - FlusherConfig - NewFlusherConfig - Multiline - MultilineConfig - NewMultilineConfig - NewLineStartSplitFunc - NewLineEndSplitFunc - NewNewlineSplitFunc - Splitter - SplitterConfig - NewSplitterConfig - SplitNone

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • googlemanagedprometheus: Add a add_metric_suffixes option to the googlemanagedprometheus exporter. When set to false, metric suffixes are not added. (#26071)
  • receiver/prometheus: translate units from prometheus to UCUM (#23208)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • receiver/influxdb: add allowable inputs to line protocol precision parameter (#24974)