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Free Fleet

NightlyUnit testsNav2 Integration testsNav1 Integration testscodecov


Free fleet is a python implementation of the Open-RMF Fleet Adapter, based on the fleet_adapter_template. It uses zenoh as a communication layer between each robot and the fleet adapter, allowing access and control over the navigation stacks of the robots.

Using zenoh bridges to pipe the necessary ROS 2 / 1 messages between each robot and the free_fleet_adapter, users have the flexibility to configure and customize their network setups accordingly following the official guide. Examples provided in this repository are using these configurations, do take note of the selective topics that are required for the free_fleet_adapter to work. The zenoh configuration conveniently allows users to filter and limit the rate of messages based on topics as well, which will be helpful in deployments with limited network bandwidth.

Each robot's navigation stack is expected to be non-namespaced, while its zenoh bridge is expected to be set up with it's robot name as the namespace. This allows the free_fleet_adapter to integrate with each robot in the fleet individually using zenoh namespaces.


We recommend setting up zenoh-bridge-ros2dds with the released standalone binaries. After downloading the appropriate released version and platform, extract and use the standalone binaries as is. For source builds of zenoh-bridge-ros2dds, please follow the official guides.

As for zenoh-bridge-ros1, it requires the new support for bridge namespaces, and therefore needs to be built from source. Once the feature has been released, this will be updated.

Most of the tests have been performed using rmw-cyclonedds-cpp, while other RMW implementations have shown varying results. Support and testing with other RMW implementations will be set up down the road.

Dependency installation, source build and setup

System dependencies,

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip ros-jazzy-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp

The dependencies nudged, eclipse-zenoh, pycdr2, rosbags are available through pip. Users can choose to set up a virtual environment, or --break-system-packages by performing the installation directly.

pip3 install nudged eclipse-zenoh==1.1.0 pycdr2 rosbags --break-system-packages

Install zenohd from the official guide.

Set up workspace, install dependencies and build,

mkdir -p ~/ff_ws/src
cd ~/ff_ws/src
git clone

# Install dependencies
cd ~/ff_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -yr

# Build
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Download and extract standalone binaries for zenoh-bridge-ros2dds (optionally zenohd if a non-latest version is desired) with the correct architecture, system setup and version. The following example instructions are for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,

# Change preferred zenoh version here
export ZENOH_VERSION=1.1.0

# Download and extract zenoh-bridge-ros2dds release
wget -O$ZENOH_VERSION/zenoh-plugin-ros2dds-$

# If using released standalone binaries of zenoh router, download and extract the release
# wget -O$ZENOH_VERSION/zenoh-$
# unzip

Simulation examples

Examples for running a single robot or multiple robots in simulation has been up in free_fleet_examples, along with example configuration files for zenoh as well as fleet configuration files for free_fleet_adapter.

For ROS 2, simulations will be launched using the nav2_bringup package. Since the turtlebot3_gazebo package is not being released past jazzy, users will need to clone the package to access the gazebo models,

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ros-jazzy-nav2-bringup

git clone ~/turtlebot3_simulations

Nav2 Single turtlebot3 world

This simulates running an isolated (by ROS_DOMAIN_ID) turtlebot3 with a ROS 2 navigation stack, and setting up RMF with free_fleet_adapter (on a different ROS_DOMAIN_ID), allowing the fleet adapter to command the robot via a configured zenoh-bridge-ros2dds with the namespace nav2_tb3.

Launch simulation and set up the initial position of the robot (see gif),

source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_simulations/turtlebot3_gazebo/models

# Launch the simulation
ros2 launch nav2_bringup headless:=0

# Or launch headless
# ros2 launch nav2_bringup

Start zenoh router,


# If using released standalaone binaries
# ./zenohd

Start zenoh-bridge-ros2dds with the appropriate zenoh client configuration,

source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

./zenoh-bridge-ros2dds -c ~/ff_ws/src/free_fleet/free_fleet_examples/config/zenoh/nav2_tb3_zenoh_bridge_ros2dds_client_config.json5

Listen to transforms over zenoh,

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run free_fleet_examples \
    --namespace nav2_tb3

Start a navigate_to_pose action over zenoh, using example values,

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run free_fleet_examples \
    --frame-id map \
    --namespace nav2_tb3 \
    -x 1.808 \
    -y 0.503

Start the RMF core packages on a different ROS_DOMAIN_ID to simulate running on a different machine,

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

ros2 launch free_fleet_examples turtlebot3_world_rmf_common.launch.xml

Launch the free_fleet_adapter with the current example's configurations, verify that nav2_tb3 has been added to fleet turtletbot3.

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

ros2 launch free_fleet_examples nav2_tb3_simulation_fleet_adapter.launch.xml

# Or launch with the rmf-web API server address
# ros2 launch free_fleet_examples nav2_tb3_simulation_fleet_adapter.launch.xml  server_uri:="ws://localhost:8000/_internal"

Dispatch an example RMF patrol tasks using rmf-web on the same ROS_DOMAIN_ID as the RMF core packages, or use the dispatch_patrol script,

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

ros2 run rmf_demos_tasks dispatch_patrol \
  -p north_west north_east south_east south_west \
  -n 2 \
  -st 0

Nav2 Multiple turtlebot3 world


This multi-robot simulation example is only for testing purposes, as it is a different setup than free_fleet is intended to be used. The simulation spawns 2 already namespaced robots, while the free_fleet architecture expects individual non-namespaced robots to be partnered with a namespaced zenoh-bridge-ros2dds.

In this example, there will only be one non-namespaced zenoh bridge for both robots, which will produce the same zenoh message outputs as 2 individual namespaced zenoh bridge with non-namespaced robots. This allows the free_fleet_adapter to work with both robots on the same simulation.

Launch simulation, start the robots, and set up the initial positions (see gif),

source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/turtlebot3_simulations/turtlebot3_gazebo/models

ros2 launch nav2_bringup

Start zenoh router,


# If using released standalaone binaries
# ./zenohd

Start zenoh-bridge-ros2dds with the appropriate zenoh client configuration,

source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

./zenoh-bridge-ros2dds -c ~/ff_ws/src/free_fleet/free_fleet_examples/config/zenoh/nav2_unique_multi_tb3_zenoh_bridge_ros2dds_client_config.json5

Start the RMF core packages on a different ROS_DOMAIN_ID to simulate running on a different machine,

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

ros2 launch free_fleet_examples turtlebot3_world_rmf_common.launch.xml

Launch the free_fleet_adapter with the current example's configurations, verify that nav2_tb3 has been added to fleet turtlebot3.

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

ros2 launch free_fleet_examples nav2_unique_multi_tb3_simulation_fleet_adapter.launch.xml

# Or launch with the rmf-web API server address
# ros2 launch free_fleet_examples nav2_unique_multi_tb3_simulation_fleet_adapter.launch.xml  server_uri:="ws://localhost:8000/_internal"

Dispatch example RMF patrol tasks using rmf-web on the same ROS_DOMAIN_ID as the RMF core packages, or use the dispatch_patrol scripts, which will cause the robot to negotiate as they perform their tasks.

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

# robot1 to run clockwise around the map
ros2 run rmf_demos_tasks dispatch_patrol \
  -p north_west north_east south_east south_west \
  -n 3 \
  -st 0 \
  -F turtlebot3 \
  -R robot1

# robot2 to run anti-clockwise around the map
ros2 run rmf_demos_tasks dispatch_patrol \
  -p south_west south_east north_east north_west \
  -n 3 \
  -st 0 \
  -F turtlebot3 \
  -R robot2

Nav1 Single turtlebot3 world


The Nav1 integration has only been tested in simulation and in ROS 1 Noetic, and currently requires a source build of zenoh-plugin-ros1, to support bridge namespacing. This will be updated after the feature has been added to a release.

Check out the docker compose integration tests for an overview of how the integration can be set up.

On the machine where the free fleet adapter will run, start a zenoh router,


# If using released standalaone binaries
# ./zenohd

In the ROS 1 Noetic environment, set up all the prerequisites as mentioned in the official guide, and start the turtlebot3 simulation. See the relevant docker file for reference.

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

In the ROS 1 Noetic environment, bringup the Nav1 stack with the prepared map in navigation2. See the relevant docker file for reference.

# prepare the map
git clone

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=/PATH_TO_navigation2/nav2_bringup/maps/tb3_sandbox.yaml

In the ROS 1 Noetic environment, set up prerequisites of zenoh-plugin-ros1, build zenoh-bridge-ros1 in release, and start it with the provided config in examples. See the relevant docker file for reference.

# Get the config file
git clone

# Build the bridge
git clone --recursive
cd zenoh-plugin-ros1
cargo build --package zenoh-bridge-ros1 --bin zenoh-bridge-ros1 --release

# Use cargo run, or just run the executable directly
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
./target/release/zenoh-bridge-ros1 -c PATH_TO_free_fleet/free_fleet_examples/config/zenoh/nav1_tb3_zenoh_bridge_ros1_client_config.json5

On the machine where the free fleet adapter will run, start the common launch files and the free fleet adapter,

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

ros2 launch free_fleet_examples turtlebot3_world_rmf_common.launch.xml

Launch the free_fleet_adapter with the current example's configurations, verify that nav1_tb3 has been added to fleet turtlebot3.

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

ros2 launch free_fleet_examples nav1_tb3_simulation_fleet_adapter.launch.xml

# Or launch with the rmf-web API server address
# ros2 launch free_fleet_examples nav1_tb3_simulation_fleet_adapter.launch.xml  server_uri:="ws://localhost:8000/_internal"

Dispatch example RMF patrol tasks using rmf-web on the same ROS_DOMAIN_ID as the RMF core packages, or use the dispatch_patrol scripts, which will cause the robot to negotiate as they perform their tasks.

source ~/ff_ws/install/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=55

# nav1_tb3 to run clockwise around the map
ros2 run rmf_demos_tasks dispatch_patrol \
  -p north_west north_east south_east south_west \
  -n 3 \
  -st 0 \
  -F turtlebot3 \
  -R nav1_tb3


  • Looking for the legacy implementation of free_fleet? Check out the tag 1.3.0, or the legacy branch.

  • free_fleet_adapter can't seem to control the robots? Check if the zenoh messages are going through using the testing scripts in free_fleet_examples. For ROS 2 navigation stacks, make sure that the zenoh-bridge-ros2dds is launched with the same RMW_IMPLEMENTATION and ROS_DOMAIN_ID as the robot's navigation stack, otherwise no messages will be passed through the bridge.

  • Failing to start free_fleet_adapter due to missing API in rmf_fleet_adapter_python? This may be due to using outdated rmf_fleet_adapter_python released binaries, either perform a sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, or build RMF from source following the official guide.

  • Simulations don't seem to work properly anymore? Try ros2 deamon stop, ros2 daemon start, or explicitly kill the ros and gazebo processes, or restart your machine. It's been noticed that if the ROS 2 or gazebo process are not terminated properly (happens rarely), the network traffic between the simulation robots and the fleet adapter get affected.

  • ROS 1 Navigation stack simulation does not seem to work as expected? Check out the integration tests docker compose, as well as the simulation and bringup docker files, for any missing dependencies.

  • Why does RMF not run with use_sim_time:=true in the examples? This is because it is on a different ROS_DOMAIN_ID than the simulation, therefore it will not have access to the simulation clock topic, the examples running RMF, free_fleet_adapter and the tasks will not be using sim time.

  • For potential bandwidth issues, especially during multirobot sim example, spinning up a dedicated zenoh router and routing the zenoh-bridge-ros2dds manually to it, could help alleviate such issues.

  • If zenoh messages are not received, make sure the versions between the eclipse-zenoh in pip, zenoh-bridge-ros2dds and zenohd are all the same. If the debian binary releases of zenohd have breaking changes, and the repo has not yet migrate to the newer version, please open an issue ticket and we will look into migrating as soon as possible. In the meantime, using an older standalone release of zenohd would be a temporary workaround. Our integration tests will attempt to catch these breaking changes too.

  • zenohd address already in use. This is most likely due to the rest-http-port which uses port 8000 by default, and might cause a conflict with other systems, for example rmf-web's API server. Run zenohd --rest-http-port 8001 to change it to 8001 or anything else.

  • Please also check past or existing issues on this repository, or any discussions on the main RMF discussion page.


  • Contributions will follow guidelines from the OSRA Open-RMF project charter, so for community contributions, the best way would be to fork and start a pull requests.
  • Make sure commits are signed off (--signoff) and GPG signed (-S). To retroactively sign past commits on a PR, check out this post.
  • To test the integration tests locally, build with colcon build --cmake-args -DNAV2_INTEGRATION_TESTING=ON, pull docker images mentioned here, start the docker compose docker compose -f nav2-docker-compose.yaml up -d, and test as usual using colcon test. This applies to the flag -DNAV1_INTEGRATION_TESTING=ON as well. Shut down the docker compose with docker compose -f nav2-docker-compose.yaml down.
  • Check out Open-RMF project board for tickets or ways to contribute to other projects in the Open-RMF ecosystem.
  • Join the bi-weekly Open-RMF Project Management Committee Open Sessions.


  • attempt to optimize tf messages (not all are needed)
  • custom actions to be abstracted
  • map switching support
  • test replanning behavior
  • support for Rolling
  • docker images
  • releases
  • testing and support for other RMW implementations