I spend most of my time architecting and crafting scalable backend systems in NodeJs and PHP as well as wrangling in Data Engineering using Python and Scala. I'm also a data structures and algorithms nerd 😉
🔭 Currently building BiteExpress, a restaurant food delivery service
🌱 I'm also a Data Engineering consultant with Google cloud (GCS, DataProc, PubSub and Bigquery), AWS(Glue, Redshift, S3, Lambda, Firehose, Athena, EMR), Apache frameworks (Beam, Airflow, Spark) and data modelling (DBT)
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Backend and data projects at scale.
📫 How to reach me abahonuh@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I was born to be a super-spy for some covert organisation...I think 🤔
- Stock Prices and News Sentiment ETL for Machine Learning Models. See Architecture here
- Data Pipeline implemented with Automation Tool: Make.com. See Architecture here
- Online Retail Sales and Customer Transaction Analytics. See Dashboard here
- ATP Tennis ETL Pipeline for Analytics
- Airflow SocrataAPI BigQuery Data-Pipeline
- Other Airflow projects: A collection of DAGs in Apache Airflow to create, schedule and run data pipelines as well as integration with other big data technologies like BigQuery and GCP.
- Pandas Tutorial
NASA Project: An ExpressJs backend (and frontend) that explores planetary and extraterrestrial planets using the NASA API.
Payment Information Validator: A vanilla NodeJs API that validates credit card information and charge amount.
NodeJs Performance: A deep-dive into NodeJs Performance best practices
A Discord bot that can predict the weather and forecast astronomical information and much more! (code to be made publicly available soon).
- Data Structures and Algorithms: An implementation of the most common data structures and related algorithms in Javascript and Python.
- Public Tender API: A simple Laravel REST API-based application that allows users to upload and then search and consume data from the portuguese public tender data.
- Meal Recommender API: A Laravel project that demonstrates how to search, filter and recommend meals to users based on their allergies.
- GladePay: A small PHP library/package that uses the Glade API to make payments.
- Currency Converter: A small website that uses the free currency converter API to convert between currencies of different countries.