pywerami is a stand-alone program to make an countour/3D plot from data file generated by the Perple_X program WERAMI or tci file generated by TCInvestigator.
It is strongly suggested to install pywerami into separate environment. You can create Python virtual environment. For Linux and macOS use:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
for Windows use Command Prompt or PowerShell:
python -m venv .venv
On Microsoft Windows, it may be required to set the execution policy in PowerShell for the user. You can do this by issuing the following PowerShell command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
and install pywerami using pip within the environment. You should choose the UI framework using option pyqt5
or pyqt6
pip install pywerami[pyqt6]
If you have already have conda or mamba installed, you can create environment with:
conda create -n pywerami python pyqt numpy matplotlib scipy
mamba create -n pywerami python pyqt numpy matplotlib scipy
Then activate the new environment:
conda activate pywerami
mamba activate pywerami
and install with pip. As PyQt is already installed with mamba/conda, we will install pywerami without UI framework:
pip install pywerami
If you encounter errors during install, try to install without upgrading dependencies:
pip install --no-deps pywerami
To start pywerami, simply type:
Do not forget that virtual environment must be activated prior running pywerami
If you get any errors open a new Issue providing the versions from either command above, as well as any errors you saw in the console during the installation.
pywerami is an open-source project, available for you for free. It took a lot of time and resources to build this software. If you find this software useful and want to support its future development please consider donating me.
pywerami is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license is provided in LICENSE