document.write("Hi there 👋 I'm Olya");
let myTechnologies = [
'React', 'Typescript', 'React Query', 'Effector',
'Vue', 'Vuex', 'Redux', 'JavaScript', 'Styled Components',
'Bootstrap', 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Storybook', 'Atomic Design',
'Jquery', 'Gulp', 'Webpack', 'Git',
Project name | Deployed project | Description | Technologies |
pokemons-test | Watch | App with list of pokemons, where you can filter pokemons, look at detail information | React, HTML, CSS |
posts-app-service | Watch | App with list of posts, where you can delete/edit post and watch the comments | React, Redux, TypeScript, Webpack, HTML, CSS, CSS Modules |
Chat-vue | Watch | Simulating a typical chat interface | Vue, Vuex, Vue CLI, HTML, CSS |
Test-exercise | Watch | App with list of people, which you can filter and sort for some parameters | React, Redux, Webpack, HTML, CSS |
Aviasales test | Watch | App imitates flight tickets search | React, Redux, HTML, CSS |
What to Watch | Watch | Service about movies including ability to comment, rate and watch movie | React, Redux, TypeScript, Jest, Enzyme, Webpack |
Cinemaddict | Watch | Service about movies including ability to comment. | JavaScript (ES6), Moment.js, Chart.js, Webpack |
Kekstagram | Watch | Service with pictures, where you can upload your own photo and add different filter. | JavaScript (ES5) |
Mishka | Watch | Handmade toys shop prototype. Responsive layout, "mobile first" approach. | HTML, SCSS, JavaScript (ES5), Gulp |
Gllacy | Watch | Responsive prototype of an online ice cream shop. | HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES5) |
📫 My contacts:
telegram: @vesnushkaaaa