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Releases: ogobrecht/markdown-apex-plugin

Bugfix Release

07 Jan 15:37
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  • Fixed: When content looks like a YAML header it is removed
    • Parsing of a YAML header is now done conditional - you can set an config option per usage - the default is no YAML parsing

Feature Release

31 Mar 20:15
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  • Move sprite image wmd-buttons.png as data URI to the css file (this helps to move plugin files to a webserver without breaking the image - no relative paths possible under APEX 4.2)
  • Add class rendered to rendered elements to avoid double conversion
  • New dynamic action component event: Preview Refreshed [Markdown]
    • This can be used to trigger some additional action on your page
    • Attention: If you try to modify the rendered HTML in the preview directly after it was refreshed, then you will break the preview functionality; Please use for this cases the Post Conversion Function (see description below)
  • New option Pre Conversion Function: If you configure here a JavaScript function, this function will get in the first paramater the raw Markdown text and must return the modified Markdown text, which will be send then to the converter
    • Example: function (text) { return "# Converted text follows\n\n" + text; /*add a level 1 header*/ }
  • New option Post Conversion Function: If you configure here a JavaScript function, this function will get in the first paramater the rendered HTML text and must return the modified HTML text, which will be send then to the preview container
    • Example: function (text) { return text + "<br>\n**This is not bold, because it was added after the conversion**"; }
  • Update to highlight.js 9.9.0 with the default set of 22 common languages: Apache, Bash, C#, C++, CSS, CoffeeScript, Diff, HTML-XML, HTTP, Ini, JSON, Java, JavaScript, Makefile, Markdown, Nginx, Objective-C, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL - if you need more or other languages (172 available) then you can create your own custom highlight.js package under
  • Internal name change of created editors; You can now easily force the preview refresh after procedural changes of your text area content - simply call this JavaScript code: markdown.editors.normalizedIdOfYourItemOrTextArea.refreshPreview() (all characters anything else then a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ are converted to _)
  • Restructure source code repository to use Grunt as build tool
  • Base support for YAML header - this comes from the demo app of my Markdown Reporter project and parses out the attributes title, author and date from a YAML header

Bugfix Release

15 Feb 18:55
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  • Fixed: Helper function to maximize editor item not working in IE

Feature Release

14 Feb 15:40
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  • Support for the following Markdown Extra extensions: tables, fenced code blocks, definition lists, footnotes, special attributes, SmartyPants, newlines and strikethrough à la GitHub
  • Support for the well known image substitution strings (also in lowercase) in the live preview: #image_prefix#, #app_images#, #workspace_images# and additionally #images#, which is configurable with a own image function
  • Syntax highlighting in code blocks with highlight.js and the default set of 23 common languages: Apache, Bash, C#, C++, CSS, CoffeeScript, Device Tree (*.dts), Diff, HTML-XML, HTTP, Ini, JSON, Java, JavaScript, Makefile, Markdown, Nginx, Objective-C, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL - if you need more or other languages (146 available) then you can create your own custom highlight.js package
  • Custom preview container, which allows you to create a full screen side by side editor - for an example see the online demo app
  • Improved styling of code blocks and lists, inspired by DokuWiki
  • Improved security with a optional sanitizing converter (per default switched on), which only allows whitelisted HTML tags
  • All new options are configurable under Shared Components > User Interface > Component Settings > Markdown[Plugin]

Initial Release

01 Jan 20:12
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update link demo app