Query or evaluate JSON values.
go get github.com/ofabricio/jsqr
package main
import "github.com/ofabricio/jsqr"
func main() {
j := []byte(`
"data": { "store": "Grocery" },
"tags": [
{ "name": "Fruit", "items": [{ "name": "Apple" }] },
{ "name": "Snack", "items": [{ "name": "Chips" }] },
{ "name": "Drink", "items": [{ "name": "Water" }, { "name": "Wine" }] }
a := jsqr.Get(j, `.data.store`)
b := jsqr.Get(j, `.tags.[1].name == "Snack"`)
c := jsqr.Get(j, `.tags.[ .name == "Drink" ].items.[0].name.(upper)`)
fmt.Println(a) // "Grocery"
fmt.Println(b) // true
fmt.Println(c) // "WATER"
Also works with Go types:
package main
import "github.com/ofabricio/jsqr"
func main() {
s := Store{
Data: Data{
Name: "Grocery",
Tags: []Tags{
{Name: "Fruit", Items: []Item{{Name: "Apple"}}},
{Name: "Snack", Items: []Item{{Name: "Chips"}}},
{Name: "Drink", Items: []Item{{Name: "Water"}, {Name: "Wine"}}},
a := jsqr.GetStruct(s, `.Data.Name`)
b := jsqr.GetStruct(s, `.Tags.[1].Name == "Snack"`)
c := jsqr.GetStruct(s, `.Tags.[ .Name == "Drink" ].Items.[0].Name.(upper)`)
fmt.Println(a) // "Grocery"
fmt.Println(b) // true
fmt.Println(c) // "WATER"
Note that jsqr.Get*(v, expr)
compiles the expression each time it is called. Avoid it with jsqr.Compile(expr)
Expression | Description |
. |
Returns the current context. |
.a |
Returns a key value. For keys with characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9_] use ."a" . |
.a == 100 |
Boolean expression that returns either true or false . |
.[0] |
Returns the array item at the index. |
.[ .a > .b ] |
Returns the array item that matches the filter expression. |
== != >= > <= < |
Comparison operators. |
eq ne |
Case insensitive comparison operators. |
& | |
Logical operators: .a == .b & .c == 100 | .d == true . |
.(func) |
Calls a function. See below. |
Function | Description |
upper |
Converts a string to uppercase. |
lower |
Converts a string to lowercase. |
exists |
Tells if a context exists. |