gradle.nvim is a plugin to use Gradle (Java) in Neovim.
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- Create projects from scratch
- Execute tasks and custom commands
- List dependencies and their relationship
- Analyze dependencies usages, conflicts and duplications
- Enqueue multiple commands executions
- Show the output of the commands executions
- Cache tasks, dependencies and command options
- Neovim 0.10 or superior
cmd = { "Gradle", "GradleExec", "GradleInit" },
dependencies = {
opts = {}, -- options, see default configuration
keys = { { "<Leader>G", "<cmd>Gradle<cr>", desc = "Gradle" } },
gradle_executable = "gradle", -- Example: gradle, ./gradlew or a path to Gradle executable
project_scanner_depth = 5
console = {
show_command_execution = true,
show_task_execution = true,
show_dependencies_load_execution = false,
show_tasks_load_execution = false,
show_project_create_execution = false,
clean_before_execution = true,
cache = {
enable_tasks_cache = true,
enable_dependencies_cache = true,
enable_help_options_cache = true,
projects_view = {
custom_commands = {
-- Example:
-- {
-- name = "lazy",
-- cmd_args = { "build" },
-- description = "build the project",
-- }
position = 'right',
size = 65,
dependencies_view = {
size = { -- see the nui doc for details about size
width = '70%',
height = '80%',
resolved_dependencies_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
dependency_usages_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
filter_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
dependency_details_win = {
size = {
width = '80%',
height = '6',
border = { style = 'rounded' },
initializer_view = {
project_name_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
project_package_win = {
default_value = '',
border = { style = 'rounded' },
java_version_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
dsl_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
test_framework_win = {
border = { style = 'rounded' },
workspaces_win = {
options = {
{ name = 'HOME', path = vim.loop.os_homedir() },
{ name = 'CURRENT_DIR', path = vim.fn.getcwd() },
border = { style = 'rounded' },
execution_view = {
size = {
width = '40%',
height = '60%',
input_win = {
border = {
style = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '│', '─', '│', '│' },
options_win = {
border = {
style = { '', '', '', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' },
help_view = {
size = {
width = '80%',
height = '34%',
border = { style = 'rounded' },
default_arguments_view = {
arguments = {
-- {
-- enabled = false, --if the argument should be enabled by default
-- arg="", -- the argument
-- value=".jdks/openjdk-11" -- the value of the argument
-- }
size = {
width = '40%',
height = '60%',
input_win = {
border = {
style = { '╭', '─', '╮', '│', '│', '─', '│', '│' },
options_win = {
border = {
style = { '', '', '', '│', '╯', '─', '╰', '│' },
icons = {
package = '',
new = '',
tree = '',
expanded = ' ',
collapsed = ' ',
gradle = '',
project = '',
tool_folder = '',
tool = '',
command = '',
help = '',
package_dependents = '',
package_dependencies = '',
warning = '',
entry = ' ',
search = '',
argument = '',
Highlight Group | Default Group | Description |
GradleNormal | Normal | Normal text |
GradleNormalNC | NormalNC | Normal text on non current window |
GradleCursorLine | CursorLine | Cursor line text |
GradleSpecial | Special | Special text |
GradleComment | Comment | Comment text |
GradleTitle | Title | Title text |
GradleError | DiagnosticError | Error text |
GradleWarn | DiagnosticWarn | Warning text |
GradleInfo | DiagnosticInfo | Info text |