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gradle.nvim is a plugin to use Gradle (Java) in Neovim.

1 2
3 4

✨ Features

  • Create projects from scratch
  • Execute tasks and custom commands
  • List dependencies and their relationship
  • Analyze dependencies usages, conflicts and duplications
  • Enqueue multiple commands executions
  • Show the output of the commands executions
  • Cache tasks, dependencies and command options

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim 0.10 or superior

📦 Installation


   cmd = { "Gradle", "GradleExec", "GradleInit" },
   dependencies = {
   opts = {}, -- options, see default configuration
   keys = { { "<Leader>G", "<cmd>Gradle<cr>", desc = "Gradle" } },

⚙️ Default configuration

  gradle_executable = "gradle", -- Example: gradle, ./gradlew or a path to Gradle executable
  project_scanner_depth = 5
  console = {
    show_command_execution = true,
    show_task_execution = true,
    show_dependencies_load_execution = false,
    show_tasks_load_execution = false,
    show_project_create_execution = false,
    clean_before_execution = true,
  cache = {
    enable_tasks_cache = true,
    enable_dependencies_cache = true,
    enable_help_options_cache = true,
  projects_view = {
    custom_commands = {
    -- Example:
    -- {
    --   name = "lazy",
    --   cmd_args = { "build" },
    --   description = "build the project",
    -- }
    position = 'right',
    size = 65,
  dependencies_view = {
    size = { -- see the nui doc for details about size
      width = '70%',
      height = '80%',
    resolved_dependencies_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    dependency_usages_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    filter_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    dependency_details_win = {
      size = {
        width = '80%',
        height = '6',
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
  initializer_view = {
    project_name_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    project_package_win = {
      default_value = '',
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    java_version_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    dsl_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    test_framework_win = {
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
    workspaces_win = {
      options = {
        { name = 'HOME', path = vim.loop.os_homedir() },
        { name = 'CURRENT_DIR', path = vim.fn.getcwd() },
      border = { style = 'rounded' },
  execution_view = {
    size = {
      width = '40%',
      height = '60%',
    input_win = {
      border = {
        style = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
    options_win = {
      border = {
        style = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
  help_view = {
    size = {
      width = '80%',
      height = '34%',
    border = { style = 'rounded' },
  default_arguments_view = {
    arguments = {
    -- {
    --    enabled = false, --if the argument should be enabled by default
    --    arg="", -- the argument
    --    value=".jdks/openjdk-11" -- the value of the argument
    -- }
    size = {
      width = '40%',
      height = '60%',
    input_win = {
      border = {
        style = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
    options_win = {
      border = {
        style = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
  icons = {
    package = '',
    new = '',
    tree = '󰙅',
    expanded = '',
    collapsed = '',
    gradle = '',
    project = '',
    tool_folder = '',
    tool = '',
    command = '',
    help = '󰘥',
    package_dependents = '',
    package_dependencies = '',
    warning = '',
    entry = '',
    search = '',
    argument = '',

🎨 Highlight Groups

Highlight Group Default Group Description
GradleNormal Normal Normal text
GradleNormalNC NormalNC Normal text on non current window
GradleCursorLine CursorLine Cursor line text
GradleSpecial Special Special text
GradleComment Comment Comment text
GradleTitle Title Title text
GradleError DiagnosticError Error text
GradleWarn DiagnosticWarn Warning text
GradleInfo DiagnosticInfo Info text


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