Nullstone Block standing up a worker as an AWS Fargate container service using ECR and configured to emit to AWS CloudWatch Logs.
service_count: number
- Default:
- Default:
service_cpu: number
- Service CPU Allocation
- Measure in CPU shares as defined by docker
- Default:
service_memory: number
- Service Hard-Limit on Memory
- Measured in MB
- Default:
service_image: string
- The docker image to deploy for this service.
- The version from the nullstone application will be used as the image tag.
- Default:
- An ECR repo will be created and used.
service_env_vars: map(string)
- Map of environment variables to inject into the service
cluster_arn: string
- Fargate Cluster ARN
- Name of CloudWatch Log Group for service
image_repo_name: string
- Container Image Name for service
image_repo_url: string
- Container Image Repo URL for service
image_pusher: object({name: string, access_key: string, secret_key: string)
- An AWS user that has explicit permission to push to created ECR repo
service_image: string
- Full image URL for the service's docker image
service_name: string
- Name of AWS ECS Service
service_id: string
- AWS ECS Service ID
task_family: string
- Name of single AWS ECS Task
service_security_group_id: string
- Security Group ID for the service