Discord bot for text-to-speech and language translation
Try it out here: https://discord.gg/NxrPp8g
- If your on windows10, Install wsl2 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10 else go to step two ;)
- Install docker https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Clone this repo or Download the talkbot files and extract them.
- Copy
and put in your discord app key. - Add a file,
with the google credentials- GOOGLE: To learn how to setup your Google API credentials go here
- In the command line run
docker pull faxwang/talkbot:latest
this will take a while. - In the command line run change directory to the project root and run
docker-compose up -d
to run talkbot in the backgrounddocker-compose up
to run talkbot in the foreground
- It should be running now.
- Click here to add the bot to your discord: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=428866923267358721&scope=bot&permissions=0
- Join a voice channel
- Type
- Type the message
Hello World
to hear it read out to you
Check out the documentation on gitbook: https://nullabork.gitbook.io/talkbot/
The bot requires a master to control it. Once you're its master it'll convert your text into voice in the current voice channel. The bot will also follow you between voice channels. Other users will only be able to use the bot if you permit them to use it. If you don't use the bot for 30 minutes it'll unfollow you.
= Control =
!follow :: The bot will join your voice channel and speak what you write
!unfollow :: Release the bot
!sidle :: Take control of the bot from someone else
!transfer :: Transfer control of the bot to another person
!permit [<user>] :: Permit someone else to use the bot whilst it's following you
!unpermit [<user>] :: Unpermit someone else from using the bot
!tts :: Speak when you're muted
= Personalization =
!defaults :: Reset your default voice settings
!mypitch <pitch> :: Alter the pitch of the bot's voice. Valid values are -20 to 20
!myspeed <speed> :: Alter the speed the bot talks. 1.0 is the default. Valid values are 0.25 to 4.0
!myvoice <voice|alias> :: Change accent or style.
!tolang <lang> :: Translate your text to a different language eg. en, fr, jp, de etc.
!mute :: Mute yourself so your text is not read out
!unmute :: Unmute yourself so all your text is read out
= More =
!help info :: info help commands
!help server :: server help commands
Use this to setup your own bot on your own server. Note you will require a Google Cloud account to use their TTS API and an Amazon Polly account to use Amazon TTS voices. Both of these services have free tiers but may cost you money if you exceed their free caps. Each of these services can be turned on and off in the configuration of the bot.
- node js - v18
- git
- Clone this respository
git clone https://github.com/nullabork/talkbot talkbot
- `git
- Duplicate the
file in theconfig
directory and rename the new file toauth.json
edit the file and paste in your discord app key.- To learn how to setup a discord app and get this token go here
- Setup your prefered API provider - Google, Amazon AWS Polly or Azure or any combination of those.
- Install NPM dependencies
npm install
- Run the bot!
node bot.js
To update to the latest code run:
git pull
Confirm you've put the path to your API credentials file in the env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. See Google cloud docs here
- WootoSmash - coder/bugmaker/shitposter
- FaxWang - coder/bugfinder/shitposter
- GreenLionVoltronPilot - bugfinder/shitposter
- Kingk22 - bugfinder/shitposter/questionanswerer
- Kelinmiriel - bugfinder/shitposter
- All the npm package builders!