This repository contains presentation slides created using revealjs on various topics such as technology, programming, basic computer science, MongoDB, and more. Feel free to explore the content and enhance your knowledge in these areas.
- Conda
- Docker
- Functional Programming (FP)
- Basic Computer Science
- MongoDB
- Pip
- Python
- Revealjs
- Virtualbox
- XPath
- Presentation 1: Introduction to Python Programming
- Presentation 2: Docker Fundamentals
- Presentation 3: Exploring XPath
- Presentation 4: Functional Programming Concepts
To get the files in this repository, you can either clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
Alternatively, you can download the repository as a zip file by clicking here.
For more information on projects related to the topics covered in these presentations, you can visit the official GitHub CLI repository.
If you would like to contribute to this repository by adding your own presentations or improving existing ones, feel free to submit a pull request. Your contributions are highly appreciated!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback. Thank you for visiting the "docencia" repository! 🌟