This Unity Editor extension allows you to select the viewing direction for a SceneView with the Blender -like hotkeys.
e.g. Numpad 1/3/7 as switch front/right/top view. Numpad 5 as toggle orthographic projection.
Click 日本語 for the Japanese page if you need it.
Some of Blender's hotkeys Implement. See Documentation page for implemented hotkeys.
See Navigating - Blender Manual for all Blender's hotkeys.
If your keyboard is without a Numpad, open Preferences > Blender-like SceneView Hotkeys , and turn on Emulate Numpad.
However, the Unity Editor already assigned the 2
key. If you are using Unity 2019 or later, you can change the assignment with Shortcuts Manager.
You can choose from two typical installation methods.
- Open the Package Manager tab in Project Settings window (Editor > Project Settings)
- Click + button under the Scoped Registries and enter the following settings (figure 1.):
- Name:
- URL:
- Scope(s):
- Name:
- Open the Package Manager window (Window > Package Manager) and select My Registries in registries drop-down list (figure 2.)
- Click Install button on the
Figure 1. Package Manager tab in Project Settings window.
Figure 2. Select registries drop-down list in Package Manager window.
If you installed openupm-cli, run the command below:
openupm add com.nowsprinting.blender-like-sceneview-hotkeys
MIT License
Open an issue or create a pull request.
Be grateful if you could label the pull request as enhancement
, bug
, chore
, and documentation
. See PR Labeler settings for automatically labeling from the branch name.
Add this repository as a submodule to the Packages/ directory in your project.
Run the command below:
git submodule add Packages/com.nowsprinting.blender-like-sceneview-hotkeys
Generate a temporary project and run tests on each Unity version from the command line.
make create_project
UNITY_VERSION=2019.4.40f1 make -k test
The release process is as follows:
- Run Actions > Create release pull request > Run workflow
- Merge created pull request
Then, will do the release process automatically by Release workflow. After tagging, OpenUPM retrieves the tag and updates it.
Do NOT manually operation the following operations:
- Create a release tag
- Publish draft releases
You must modify the package name to publish a forked package.