This project allows you faster run locally Redmine.
- OS CentOS 7
- Ruby 2.7.3
- Redmine 4.2.1
You can change Redmine version and Ruby version in playbook.yml
3) Install Vagrant plugin for VirtualBox
# vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
4) Add CentOS 7 image for VirtualBox
# vagrant box add centos/7
5) Clone project
# git clone
6) Generate new key
# cd ./vagrant_redmine
7) Start VM
# vagrant up
8) Login to VM
# vagrant ssh
9) Show public IP
# ip a show dev eth1
From this ip Redmine would be available.
10) Start Redmine
# sudo -s
# cd /opt/redmine
# bundle exec rails server webrick -e production -b -p 80
11) Open in browser