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Nocks SDK Node

Nocks Node SDK is a node package arround the Nocks API. It can be used in any (>=7.0.0) Node environment and, because it doesn't use any core Node JS modules, it is also compatible with a browser environment, so it can, for example, be used in React(-native).


Installation requires no more than just a simple install of the npm package with npm (or yarn):

npm install nocks-sdk-node --save

Getting Started

The SDK supports both the calls to the Nocks api endpoints (api scope) as well to the oauth endpoints (oauth scope). All oauth calls can directly be used from the oauth scope. The api calls are divided at resource level in the api scope (e.g. scope.user.findAuthenticated).

Each call will return a javascript native promise, which is resolved with the result or rejected with an error. With an exception of the getOauthUri call in the oauth scope, this will return the result directly (or throw an error) instead of a promise.

For the most calls authentication is required. Checkout the docs to see what is required for every call.


The oauth scope provides the following methods:

  • getOauthUri (will not return a promise)
  • requestToken
  • refreshToken
  • passwordGrantToken
  • scopes
  • tokenScopes


// es6
import NocksOauth from 'nocks-sdk-node/oauth';

const scope = NocksOauth.scope({
    platform: 'production', // Use sandbox for testing
    scopes: ['', 'user.update'],
    clientId: '1',
    clientSecret: 'super_secret',
    redirectUri: '',

// Use the oauth methods. For more, check examples
const oauthUri = scope.getOauthUri();

// At Nocks oauth redirect
const code = 'code_from_nocks_oauth_redirect';

return scope.requestToken({ code })
    .then(({ access_token, refresh_token, expires_on }) => {
        // Do something

Please checkout the oauth docs and examples to see how the oauth methods can be used.


The api scope provides all the Nocks resources. Please checkout the resources docs and examples.

// es6
import NocksApi from 'nocks-sdk-node/api';

const scope = NocksApi.scope({
    platform: 'production', // Use sandbox for testing
    accessToken: 'user_access_token',

// Use the api methods. For more, check examples
return scope.user.findAuthenticated()
    .then((user) => {
        // Do something with the user

Request/Response Transformers

The SDK uses transformers to transform the requests to the api and the responses from the api. This means that there is not always a 1-1 mapping between the api and the sdk. Most of the time there is, but there are some exceptions:

Data property

A typical response from the api looks like the following:

    "data": {...} // or "data": [...]
    "status": 200

However the promise returned from a call with the SDK will only resolve the data part or the data and pagination part. See examples and pagination.

Also the data property is removed in nested resources. For example a transaction with payments looks like:

    "payments": [{...}], // instead of "payments": { "data": [{...}] }

A date in a api response is auto converted to a javascript date (or to null).

The SDK makes it also possible to use a javascript date while making a request to the api. The SDK will then convert the provided date to a string that is accepted by the api.

Note that the Nocks api dates are always UTC +2, the SDK will auto convert the provided dates to UTC +2 with date.getTimezoneOffset()


A number returned from the API is auto converted to a javascript number.

Money is handled a bit different. In money objects the SDK will add an additional value property which holds the number representation of the amount in responses. When making a request, the value property can also be used, the SDK will then set the amount based on the value property.

    "amount": {
        "amount": "250", // Can be omitted when doing a request
        "currency": "NLG",
        "value": 250,
Additional properties

To some responses the SDK will add additional properties for convenient. For example a merchant response will have a method findInvoices to retreive all the invoices for that merchant.

In each example the additional propterties are listed.


For all get endpoints that may return a list of results the api uses pagination. These calls in the SDK (typically the .find methods) return an object with the properties pagination and data. Where the data property is the result array and the pagination property is an object with the pagination info. An example of a pagination object:

    "total": 56,
    "count": 25,
    "per_page": 25,
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_pages": 3,
    "links": {
        "next": ""
    // Additional helper functions
    "hasNext": () => boolean
    "hasPrevious": () => boolean
    "getNextPage": () => integer
    "getPreviousPage": () => integer

Example call with pagination:

// es6
import NocksApi from 'nocks-sdk-node/api';

const scope = NocksApi.scope({
    platform: 'production',
    accessToken: 'user_access_token',

return scope.transaction.find()
    .then(({ pagination, data }) => {
        // use pagination object (e.g. pagination.hasNext())
        // data is an array with the found transactions


The SDK uses three types of errors: ConfigurationError, ValidationError and ResponseError. (These types can be imported from nocks-sdk-node/errors).

// es6
import { ConfigurationError, ValidationError, ResponseError } from 'nocks-sdk-node/errors';

Configuration Errors

A ConfigurationError may occur when calling .scope or doing any other call inside the oauth or api scope. The ConfigurationError simply means that there is something wrong with your .scope configuration. Each ConfigurationError will have a clear message with what is wrong.

Validation Errors

A ValidationError will occur when trying to make a call to Nocks but there is something wrong with the parameters you provided to the method call. Each ValidationError will have a clear message with what is wrong.

Note that the SDK doesn't check your request data that is send to the api, if there is something wrong with your data the api call will be rejected with a ResponseError

Response Errors

A ResponseError will occur when a call to Nocks fails. The ResponseError will always contain the following data: status, message and code. For example:

    "status": 400,
    "message": "An error occurred",
    "code": 400,


In the examples directory you will find examples for each call that is supported in this SDK.


Need help or support? Please check

Found a bug? Please check the existing GitHub issues and open a new issue if necessary. Or even better, create a pull request to directly resolve the issue you have found!


Nocks SDK for Node







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