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SIP Number: 011

Title: Standard for non-custodial Marketplace traits

Authors: werner.btc (werner at, Friedger, Mike, Jason and Jamil.

Consideration: Technical

Type: Standard

Status: draft

Created: 31 December 2022

License: CC0-1.0

Sign-off: Jude Nelson, Technical Steering Committee Chair


This standard aims to formalize a the commonly used traits to offer fungible or non-fungible tokens for sale, at a certain price in STX, from a non-custodial wallet.

License and Copyright

This SIP is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license, available at This SIP’s copyright is held by the Stacks Open Internet Foundation.


Tokens are digital assets registered on a blockchain through a smart contract. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a token that is globally unique and can be identified through its unique identifier.

In blockchains with smart contracts, including the Stacks blockchain, developers and users can use smart contracts to register and interact with (non-)fungible tokens.

To extend the functions of tokens this SIP defines two traits with smart contract functions that enable an open, decentralized marketplace for digital assets. These assets must implement the marketplace trait and commission trait. Buyers should be able to buy the assets from the owner with STX.

The marketplace trait can be implemented as part of the asset contract (usually not recommended) or as an independent contract.

The marketplace functions have been used since the first Megapont contract was deployed to mainnet in October 2022 and have since become the pseudo standard for non-custodial listing of assets on the Stacks Blockchain. Having this ratified as an official standard can help further adoption of the standard. (1) (2). A more generalized trait is also recommended to replace this one in the future. A standard that will be compatible with SIP013 tokens too. And one that will allow buying with SIP013 or SIP010 tokens aswell as STX.


Every SIP-011 compliant smart contract on the Stacks blockchain must implement these traits;

  1. marketplace-functions, defined in the Marketplace-Trait-and-Commision-Trait section,
  2. commission-functions, defined in the Marketplace-Trait-and-Commision-Trait section;

Optionally seperate out royalties, as in the reference? 3. See from line 440

Marketplace-Trait function 1: List in ustx

(list-in-ustx (uint uint <commission-trait>) (response bool uint))

This function announces the listing to a global marketplace. This must return (ok true) on success, never (ok false) and it must send a list event.

The Function takes a token id or token amount to be listed and the third argument is the price in uSTX (millionth of a STX) it should be listed at, lastly the function takes the commission trait.

Marketplace-Trait function 2: Unlist in ustx

(unlist-in-ustx (uint) (response bool uint))

This function announces the unlisting to a global marketplace. This must return (ok true) on success, never (ok false) and it must send a unlist event.

The Function takes a token id or token amount to be unlisted.

Marketplace-Trait function 3: Buy in ustx and annonce unlisting

(buy-in-ustx (uint <commission-trait>) (response bool uint))

This function buys the listed token for the selling price and unlists it.

This function takes an amount of the token (selling price). Additionally the function takes a commission-trait as defined below it will dictate actions to happen after the sale (owner, artist, marketplace, etc. getting their share of the sale).

This function must be defined with define-public, as it alters state, and must be externally callable. The function must return (ok true) on success, never (ok false).

Marketplace-Trait function 4: Get asset

(get-asset () (response {fq-contract: string, asset-class: string} uint))

The is a read only function defining the asset.

Commision-Trait function:

(pay (uint uint) (response bool uint))

An additional action after the marketplace sale happened. Usually a token transfer to the marketplace.

The function takes an identifier of an NFT and and the price in micro STX (uSTX). The function must return (ok true) on success, never (ok false)

Optionally seperate out royalties, as in the reference: See from line 440.

It is recommended to use error codes from standardized list of codes and implement the function for converting the error codes to messages function that are defined in a separate SIP.


(use-trait commission-trait .commisions.trait)
(define-trait marketplace

        (list-in-ustx (uint uint <commission-trait>) (response bool uint))

        (unlist-in-ustx (uint) (response bool uint))

        (buy-in-ustx (uint  <commission-trait>) (response bool uint))

        (get-asset () (response {fq-contract: string, asset-class: string} uint))


(define-trait commission
        (pay (uint uint) (response bool uint))


As commission-traits can call any functions in the name of the tx-sender, it is important that a web app only offers commission contracts that are well understood. In particular, appropriate post-conditions have to be created.

If asset contracts want to control trades they have to restrict which operators are approved. Note, that royalties to an artist of an NFT can be part of the commission if agreed with the marketplace. They can also be implemented in the NFT directly or as a seperate trait. See reference implementation list-in-ustx.

Use of native asset functions

Werner: not sure what to do here (section just a copy from sip009)

Although it is not possible to mandate in a Clarity trait, contract implementers must define at least one built-in native non-fungible asset class that are provided as Clarity primitives. This allows clients to use Post Conditions (explained below), and takes advantages of other benefits, like native support for these asset balances and transfers through stacks-blockchain-api. The reference implementations included in this SIP use the native asset primitives, and provide a good boilerplate for their usage.

The native asset functions include:

  • define-non-fungible-token
  • nft-burn?
  • nft-get-owner?
  • nft-mint?
  • nft-transfer?

The following requirements for using native asset functions are defined:


If the transfer function is called from a client without a post-condition in deny mode or without any NFT condition about a changed owner, then the function call must fail with abort_by_post_condition.

Recommendations for displaying commissions

It is advised to show the user what the listing price will be on the platform used and how much of that will go to the interested parties when sold such as the seller, the artist and a marketplace.

It is recommended to marketplaces to do the following if a user lists something at 1 STX, don't send 1000000 to list-in-ustx, but rather 1000000/(1+comm) as the price argument.

Some examples of how the user would be informed as displayed in December 2022 on and

Example 1


Example 2


Recommendations for error codes

From Friedger 2022: stacksgov/sips#60 (comment)

unsupported token: u500

insufficient balance: u103

not authorized to mint: u403

Werner: Are there other recommendations for error codes? What are and currently using?

Using NFTs in applications

Developers who wish to use a non-fungible token contract in an application should first be provided, or keep track of, various different non-fungible token implementations. When validating a non-fungible token contract, they should fetch the interface and/or source code for that contract. If the contract implements the trait, then the application can use this standard's contract interface for making transfers and getting other details defined in this standard.

All of the functions in this trait return the response type, which is a requirement of trait definitions in Clarity. However, some of these functions should be "fail-proof", in the sense that they should never return an error. These "fail-proof" functions are those that have been recommended as read-only. If a contract that implements this trait returns an error for these functions, it may be an indication of a non-compliant contract, and consumers of those contracts should proceed with caution.

Use of Post-Conditions

The Stacks blockchain includes a feature known as "Post-Conditions" or "Constraints". By defining post-conditions, users can create transactions that include pre-defined guarantees about what might happen in that contract.

For example, when applications call the transfer function, they should always use post conditions to specify that the new owner of the NFT is the recipient principal in the transfer function call.

Related Work


Megapont Ape Club

Source at and or ##to be added##

Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable


This SIP is considered activated after no objections within the community before Bitcoin tip #800,000. There are already over 20 contracts deployed to mainnet that have implemented this standard. The aim with this document is to formalize it through this SIP.

A trait that follows this specification is available on mainnet as: to add later

Alternative for consideration

Instead of unified trait to allow the use of SIP010, SIP009 and SIP013 tokens for purchase have two traits one for SIP009 and SIP010 and the other for SIP013. This would eleviate the need for a uint that is ignored when using SIP009 and SIP010 but is required for using SIP013 tokens as one would have to define both a token identifier and an amount.

Reference Implementations list-in-ustx

As used by when deploying a contract via their Create flow.

;; awesome-saus-1
;; contractType: continuous

(impl-trait 'SP2PABAF9FTAJYNFZH93XENAJ8FVY99RRM50D2JG9.nft-trait.nft-trait)
;;(impl-trait .nft-trait.nft-trait)

(define-non-fungible-token awesome-saus-1 uint)

(define-constant DEPLOYER tx-sender)

(define-constant ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED u101)
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-USER u102)
(define-constant ERR-LISTING u103)
(define-constant ERR-WRONG-COMMISSION u104)
(define-constant ERR-NOT-FOUND u105)
(define-constant ERR-NFT-MINT u106)
(define-constant ERR-CONTRACT-LOCKED u107)
(define-constant ERR-METADATA-FROZEN u111)
(define-constant ERR-INVALID-PERCENTAGE u114)

(define-data-var last-id uint u0)
(define-data-var artist-address principal 'SP...)
(define-data-var locked bool false)
(define-data-var metadata-frozen bool false)

(define-map cids uint (string-ascii 64))

(define-public (lock-contract)
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (var-set locked true)
    (ok true)))

(define-public (set-artist-address (address principal))
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-INVALID-USER))
    (ok (var-set artist-address address))))

(define-public (burn (token-id uint))
    (asserts! (is-owner token-id tx-sender) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (is-none (map-get? market token-id)) (err ERR-LISTING))
    (nft-burn? awesome-saus-1 token-id tx-sender)))

(define-public (set-token-uri (hash (string-ascii 64)) (token-id uint))
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (not (var-get metadata-frozen)) (err ERR-METADATA-FROZEN))
    (print { notification: "token-metadata-update", payload: { token-class: "nft", token-ids: (list token-id), contract-id: (as-contract tx-sender) }})
    (map-set cids token-id hash)
    (ok true)))

(define-public (freeze-metadata)
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (var-set metadata-frozen true)
    (ok true)))

(define-private (is-owner (token-id uint) (user principal))
    (is-eq user (unwrap! (nft-get-owner? awesome-saus-1 token-id) false)))

(define-public (transfer (id uint) (sender principal) (recipient principal))
    (asserts! (is-eq tx-sender sender) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (is-none (map-get? market id)) (err ERR-LISTING))
    (trnsfr id sender recipient)))

(define-read-only (get-owner (token-id uint))
  (ok (nft-get-owner? awesome-saus-1 token-id)))

(define-read-only (get-last-token-id)
  (ok (var-get last-id)))

(define-read-only (get-token-uri (token-id uint))
  (ok (some (concat "ipfs://" (unwrap-panic (map-get? cids token-id))))))

(define-read-only (get-artist-address)
  (ok (var-get artist-address)))

(define-public (claim (uris (list 25 (string-ascii 64))))
  (mint-many uris))

(define-private (mint-many (uris (list 25 (string-ascii 64))))
      (token-id (+ (var-get last-id) u1))
      (art-addr (var-get artist-address))
      (id-reached (fold mint-many-iter uris token-id))
      (current-balance (get-balance tx-sender))
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER) (is-eq tx-sender art-addr)) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (asserts! (is-eq (var-get locked) false) (err ERR-CONTRACT-LOCKED))
    (var-set last-id (- id-reached u1))
    (map-set token-count tx-sender (+ current-balance (- id-reached token-id)))
    (ok id-reached)))

(define-private (mint-many-iter (hash (string-ascii 64)) (next-id uint))
    (unwrap! (nft-mint? awesome-saus-1 next-id tx-sender) next-id)
    (map-set cids next-id hash)
    (+ next-id u1)))

(use-trait commission-trait 'SP3D6PV2ACBPEKYJTCMH7HEN02KP87QSP8KTEH335.commission-trait.commission)

(define-map token-count principal uint)
(define-map market uint {price: uint, commission: principal, royalty: uint})

(define-read-only (get-balance (account principal))
  (default-to u0
    (map-get? token-count account)))

(define-private (trnsfr (id uint) (sender principal) (recipient principal))
  (match (nft-transfer? awesome-saus-1 id sender recipient)
        ((sender-balance (get-balance sender))
        (recipient-balance (get-balance recipient)))
          (map-set token-count
            (- sender-balance u1))
          (map-set token-count
            (+ recipient-balance u1))
          (ok success))
    error (err error)))

(define-private (is-sender-owner (id uint))
  (let ((owner (unwrap! (nft-get-owner? awesome-saus-1 id) false)))
    (or (is-eq tx-sender owner) (is-eq contract-caller owner))))

(define-read-only (get-listing-in-ustx (id uint))
  (map-get? market id))

(define-public (list-in-ustx (id uint) (price uint) (comm-trait <commission-trait>))
  (let ((listing  {price: price, commission: (contract-of comm-trait), royalty: (var-get royalty-percent)}))
    (asserts! (is-sender-owner id) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (map-set market id listing)
    (print (merge listing {a: "list-in-ustx", id: id}))
    (ok true)))

(define-public (unlist-in-ustx (id uint))
    (asserts! (is-sender-owner id) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (map-delete market id)
    (print {a: "unlist-in-ustx", id: id})
    (ok true)))

(define-public (buy-in-ustx (id uint) (comm-trait <commission-trait>))
  (let ((owner (unwrap! (nft-get-owner? awesome-saus-1 id) (err ERR-NOT-FOUND)))
      (listing (unwrap! (map-get? market id) (err ERR-LISTING)))
      (price (get price listing))
      (royalty (get royalty listing)))
    (asserts! (is-eq (contract-of comm-trait) (get commission listing)) (err ERR-WRONG-COMMISSION))
    (try! (stx-transfer? price tx-sender owner))
    (try! (pay-royalty price royalty))
    (try! (contract-call? comm-trait pay id price))
    (try! (trnsfr id owner tx-sender))
    (map-delete market id)
    (print {a: "buy-in-ustx", id: id})
    (ok true)))

(define-data-var royalty-percent uint u500)

(define-read-only (get-royalty-percent)
  (ok (var-get royalty-percent)))

(define-public (set-royalty-percent (royalty uint))
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-INVALID-USER))
    (asserts! (and (>= royalty u0) (<= royalty u1000)) (err ERR-INVALID-PERCENTAGE))
    (ok (var-set royalty-percent royalty))))

(define-private (pay-royalty (price uint) (royalty uint))
  (let (
    (royalty-amount (/ (* price royalty) u10000))
  (if (and (> royalty-amount u0) (not (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address))))
    (try! (stx-transfer? royalty-amount tx-sender (var-get artist-address)))
    (print false)
  (ok true)))


(var-set last-id u0)

(define-data-var license-uri (string-ascii 80) "")
(define-data-var license-name (string-ascii 40) "PUBLIC")

(define-read-only (get-license-uri)
  (ok (var-get license-uri)))
(define-read-only (get-license-name)
  (ok (var-get license-name)))
(define-public (set-license-uri (uri (string-ascii 80)))
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (ok (var-set license-uri uri))))

(define-public (set-license-name (name (string-ascii 40)))
    (asserts! (or (is-eq tx-sender (var-get artist-address)) (is-eq tx-sender DEPLOYER)) (err ERR-NOT-AUTHORIZED))
    (ok (var-set license-name name))))

Source code


Marketplace function stacksgov/sips#51 Generalized marketplace function (list-in-token vs. list-in-ustx) For future SIP. stacksgov/sips#51 (comment) implementation 1: implementation 2: ? Optional send-many trait (from SIP013 semi-fungible token)

Examples of commission contracts SIP010 commision: Simple fixed fee: ? Auction contract: ?