My own Gulp boilerplate for developing static webpages and deploying on GitHub Pages. It has two main tasks serve (deafult) task for development and deploy task for GitHub Pages deployment. It was originally created to be used during wegielpruszkow-v2 development.
- watches .html, .scss and .js files,
- lints .js files and logs errors to terminal,
- checks Sass files and logs errors to terminal,
- reloads on markup, styles' and scripts' change (life reload with BrowserSync).
- removes old dist directory (if existing),
- creates new dist directory for deployment,
- compiles Sass files,
- copies fonts to dist directory,
- bundles multiple .css files,
- minifies .css file,
- bundles multiple .js files,
- uglifies .js file,
- creates new index.html file with one bundled .css and .js file respectively,
- minifies and caches images,
- asks for commit message,
- pushes changes to remote
branch with given commit message.
- Sass,
- Skeleton CSS framework/ boilerplate,
- Gulp
Reqires Node.js. Instal devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd gulp-boilerplate
$ npm install
$ gulp serve
For deployment run
$ gulp deploy
TODO: Add ES6 support.