This is the Project Repository of the Team - SmartAGRI
Our problem statement is - Alternate Crop Recommendation
The team members are: -
- Nishanth S Shastry
- Partheesh Ranjan Singh
- Chethan M
- S Monish
The application will help the farmers to improve their profit and yield by understanding the yields of different crops in different areas.
Technologies used: -
- Python (many python libraries)
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Django(Web framework)
- Google translate API
- Dialogflow (Chatbot)
- Oracle Cloud Platform
- K Nearest Neighbor
- Multi Linear Regression
- The ML Algorithm used is the K-nearest neighbor because it is a classification algorithm, helps us to suggest the type of crop with more yield, with more accuracy than other classification algorithms.
- Simple Login System
- Multilingual Application
- Chatbot
- Responsive Web Application