- The project is built using YARN package manager
- Node js Version - 18 and above
- Built using expo with latest react native version (0.74)
- Clone the repo
- After cloning,
cd todosapp
and install node_modules by doingyarn
- Once node_modules are installed, we need to install all the pods related to the project. For doing this you can do either of the following:
a. npx pod-install
cd ios && pod install && cd..
- After installing pods, run the following command to make an IOS build on simulator:
yarn ios
. And also open a new terminal to start the metro serveryarn start
- For build android build, use the following command:
yarn android
. And also open a new terminal to start the metro serveryarn start
- Expo Router - for Screen routing
- React Query - For API calls
- Typescript
- Replicache
- React Native SSE - For server side event integration for Poking
- Reanimated - for micro animations
- Expo Sqllite - Custom KV Store for replicache