Autonomous control of the Bebop 2 drone to showcase the possibilty of automated material delivery on the shop floor. Authors: Aakash Yadav, Yuhao Zhong, Aditya Yalamanchili and Ravi Srivatsa
Install the following operating system and other packages. It is highly recommended to perform the setup in given order and to test Python/OpenCV before installing ROS
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial
- Python 3+
- OpenCV 2
- ROS Kinetic Kame
Visit the official bebop page bebop-autonomy
# Install the required packages
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-rosdep python-catkin-tools
# Create and initialize the workspace
$ mkdir -p ~/bebop_ws/src && cd ~/bebop_ws
$ catkin init
$ git clone src/bebop_autonomy
# Update rosdep database and install dependencies (including parrot_arsdk)
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src -i
# Build the workspace
$ catkin build
The build should complete without any errors
Caution : Before performing the take off please follow all the safety requirements.
# launching the bebop driver
$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
Open a new terminal
# takeoff drone
$ rostopic pub --once bebop/takeoff std_msgs/Empty
# land drone
$ rostopic pub --once bebop/land std_msgs/Empty
# emergency command to stop all the operations and free fall drone
$ rostopic pub --once bebop/reset std_msgs/Empty
# capture the checkerboard images from drones camera and run the caliberation script
$ cd ~bebop2_autonav/photos_checker_calibrate
$ python
# this will generate a pickle file to be used while aruco detection
# generating aruco markers
$ cd ~bebop2_autonav/aruco_generation
$ python
$ cd ~bebop2_autonav/src/bebop_autonomy
$ catkin_create_pkg motion_plan2 rospy roscpp std_msgs geometry_msgs sensor_msgs
$ cd motion_plan2
$ mkdir scripts
$ catkin make
# place your ROS python scripts at cd ~bebop2_autonav/src/bebop_autonomy/scripts
# install dos2unix to resolve any character mismatch conflict
$ sudo apt-get install dos2unix
$ dos2unix
# make the python file executible (not required for cpp)
$ cd ~bebop2_autonav/src/bebop_autonomy/scripts
$ chmod +x
# run the script (launch the bebop driver first)
$ rosrun motion_plan2
# for example use below to capture the images
$ rosrun motion_plan2
title={Image-based flight control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for material handling in custom manufacturing},
author={Zhong, Yuhao and Wang, Zimo and Yalamanchili, Aditya V and Yadav, Aakash and Srivatsa, BN Ravi and Saripalli, Srikanth and Bukkapatnam, Satish TS},
journal={Journal of Manufacturing Systems},