Based on HTML5 accelerometer interface and Meteor web framework.
# install meteor
curl | /bin/sh
# clone acc-meteor
git clone
# run local Meteor server
cd acc-meteor
At this point the app will be running on the dev machine and can be accessed at: http://localhost:3000/. Your machine will likely not support the accelerometer, so it won't capture any samples. However, it will be able to view the database.
Now open the app page on your mobile phone. (Obviously will need to substitute your dev machine's IP address in the URL.) You should see a lively display of changing data/info. The page opened on the server will show the data changing live as it is saved in the database.
The locally maintained database can be accessed on port 3001
$ mongo --port 3001
> use meteor
> db.samples.count()
> db.samples.find()
Phonegap/cordova can be used to convert the client to a mobile app. The following (really cool) script will convert a deployed meteor app to a phonegap app that can then be targetted and compiled for Android and IOS: