A DMN FEEL parser and interpreter written in JavaScript. ➡️ Try it out.
import {
} from 'feelin';
unaryTest('1', { '?': 1 }); // true
unaryTest('[1..end]', { '?': 1, end: 10 }); // true
evaluate("Mike's daughter.name", {
'Mike\'s daughter.name': 'Lisa'
}); // "Lisa"
evaluate('for a in [1, 2, 3] return a * 2'); // [ 2, 4, 6 ]
evaluate('every rate in rates() satisfies rate < 10', {
rates() {
return [ 10, 20 ];
}); // false
- Recognizes full FEEL grammar
- Context sensitive (incl. names with spaces)
- Recovers on errors
- Temporal types and operations
- Built-in FEEL functions
- Full DMN TCK compliance (cf. coverage)
# build the library and run all tests
npm run all
# spin up for local development
npm run dev
# execute FEEL tests in DMN TCK
npm run tck
- lezer-feel - FEEL language definition for the Lezer parser system
- feel-playground - Interactive playground to learn the FEEL language