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Merge pull request mom-ocean#74 from NOAA-GFDL/user/jpk/dora_analysis…
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Dora analysis updates
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adcroft committed Mar 25, 2016
2 parents 35a0204 + dca073c commit f498510
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Showing 8 changed files with 244 additions and 33 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions tools/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ def run():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Script for plotting annual-average SSS bias.''')
parser.add_argument('annual_file', type=str, help='''Annually-averaged file containing 3D 'salt'.''')
parser.add_argument('-l','--label', type=str, default='', help='''Label to add to the plot.''')
parser.add_argument('-s','--suptitle', type=str, default='', help='''Super-title for experiment. Default is to read from netCDF file.''')
parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir', type=str, default='.', help='''Directory in which to place plots.''')
parser.add_argument('-g','--gridspec', type=str, required=True,
help='''Directory containing mosaic/grid-spec files ( and''')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,15 +57,18 @@ def main(cmdLineArgs,stream=None):
if rootGroup.variables[varName].shape[0]>1: Smod = rootGroup.variables[varName][:,0].mean(axis=0)
else: Smod = rootGroup.variables[varName][0,0]

if cmdLineArgs.suptitle != '': suptitle = cmdLineArgs.suptitle + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label
else: suptitle = rootGroup.title + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label

if stream == None: stream = cmdLineArgs.outdir+'/SSS_bias_WOA05.png'
m6plot.xyplot( Smod - Sobs , x, y, area=area,
suptitle=rootGroup.title+' '+cmdLineArgs.label, title='SSS bias (w.r.t. WOA\'05) [ppt]',
suptitle=suptitle, title='SSS bias (w.r.t. WOA\'05) [ppt]',
clim=ci, colormap='dunnePM', centerlabels=True, extend='both',

m6plot.xycompare( Smod, Sobs , x, y, area=area,
suptitle=rootGroup.title+' '+cmdLineArgs.label,
title1='SSS [ppt]',
title2='WOA\'05 SSS [ppt]',
clim=m6plot.linCI(20,30,10, 31,39,.5), colormap='dunneRainbow', extend='both',
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions tools/analysis/
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ def run():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Script for plotting annual-average SST bias.''')
parser.add_argument('annual_file', type=str, help='''Annually-averaged file containing 3D 'temp'.''')
parser.add_argument('-l','--label', type=str, default='', help='''Label to add to the plot.''')
parser.add_argument('-s','--suptitle', type=str, default='', help='''Super-title for experiment. Default is to read from netCDF file.''')
parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir', type=str, default='.', help='''Directory in which to place plots.''')
parser.add_argument('-g','--gridspec', type=str, required=True,
help='''Directory containing mosaic/grid-spec files ( and''')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,15 +60,18 @@ def main(cmdLineArgs,stream=None):
if rootGroup.variables[varName].shape[0]>1: Tmod = rootGroup.variables[varName][:,0].mean(axis=0)
else: Tmod = rootGroup.variables[varName][0,0]

if cmdLineArgs.suptitle != '': suptitle = cmdLineArgs.suptitle + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label
else: suptitle = rootGroup.title + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label

if stream == None: stream = cmdLineArgs.outdir+'/SST_bias_WOA05.png'
m6plot.xyplot( Tmod - Tobs , x, y, area=area,
suptitle=rootGroup.title+' '+cmdLineArgs.label, title='SST bias (w.r.t. WOA\'05) [$\degree$C]',
suptitle=suptitle, title='SST bias (w.r.t. WOA\'05) [$\degree$C]',
clim=ci, colormap='dunnePM', centerlabels=True, extend='both',

m6plot.xycompare( Tmod, Tobs , x, y, area=area,
suptitle=rootGroup.title+' '+cmdLineArgs.label,
title1='SST [$\degree$C]',
title2='WOA\'05 SST [$\degree$C]',
clim=m6plot.linCI(-2,29,.5), colormap='dunneRainbow', extend='max',
Expand Down
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions tools/analysis/
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import netCDF4
import numpy
import m6plot
import m6toolbox
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

try: import argparse
except: raise Exception('This version of python is not new enough. python 2.7 or newer is required.')

def run():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Script for plotting depth vs. time plots of temperature and salinity drift''')
parser.add_argument('annual_directory', type=str, help='''Directory containing annual time series thetao and so xyave files''')
parser.add_argument('-l','--label', type=str, default='', help='''Label to add to the plot.''')
parser.add_argument('-s','--suptitle', type=str, default='', help='''Super-title for experiment. Default is to read from netCDF file.''')
parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir', type=str, default='.', help='''Directory in which to place plots.''')
parser.add_argument('-t','--trange', type=str, default=None, help='''Tuple containing start and end years to plot''')
cmdLineArgs = parser.parse_args()

def main(cmdLineArgs,stream=None):
rootGroupT = netCDF4.MFDataset( cmdLineArgs.annual_directory + '/*' )
rootGroupS = netCDF4.MFDataset( cmdLineArgs.annual_directory + '/*' )
if 'thetao_xyave' not in rootGroupT.variables: raise Exception('Could not find "thetao_xyave" files "%s"'%(cmdLineArgs.annual_directory))
if 'so_xyave' not in rootGroupS.variables: raise Exception('Could not find "so_xyave" files "%s"'%(cmdLineArgs.annual_directory))

zt = rootGroupT.variables['zt'][::-1] * -1
timeT = rootGroupT.variables['time']
timeS = rootGroupS.variables['time']
timeT = numpy.array([int(x.year) for x in netCDF4.num2date(timeT[:],timeT.units,calendar=timeT.calendar)])
timeS = numpy.array([int(x.year) for x in netCDF4.num2date(timeS[:],timeS.units,calendar=timeS.calendar)])

if cmdLineArgs.trange != None:
start = list(timeT).index(cmdLineArgs.trange[0])
end = list(timeT).index(cmdLineArgs.trange[1])
start = 0
end = -1

variable = rootGroupT.variables['thetao_xyave']
T = variable[start:end] - variable[start]
T = T[:,::-1]
timeT = timeT[start:end]

variable = rootGroupS.variables['so_xyave']
S = variable[start:end] - variable[start]
S = S[:,::-1]
timeS = timeS[start:end]

if cmdLineArgs.suptitle != '': suptitle = cmdLineArgs.suptitle + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label
else: suptitle = rootGroupT.title + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label

if stream != None: objOut = stream[0]
else: objOut = cmdLineArgs.outdir+'/T_drift.png'
m6plot.ztplot( T, timeT, zt, splitscale=[0., -1000., -6500.],
suptitle=suptitle, title='Potential Temperature [C]',
extend='both', colormap='dunnePM', centered=True,

if stream != None: objOut = stream[1]
else: objOut = cmdLineArgs.outdir+'/S_drift.png'
m6plot.ztplot( S, timeS, zt, splitscale=[0., -1000., -6500.],
suptitle=suptitle, title='Salinity [psu]',
extend='both', colormap='dunnePM', centered=True,

if __name__ == '__main__':

130 changes: 123 additions & 7 deletions tools/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,10 @@ def xyplot(field, x=None, y=None, area=None,
# Choose colormap
if nbins is None and (clim is None or len(clim)==2): nbins=35
if colormap is None: colormap = chooseColorMap(sMin, sMax)
cmap, norm, extend = chooseColorLevels(sMin, sMax, colormap, clim=clim, nbins=nbins, extend=extend, logscale=logscale)
if clim is None and sStd>0:
cmap, norm, extend = chooseColorLevels(sMean-2.*sStd, sMean+2.*sStd, colormap, clim=clim, nbins=nbins, extend=extend, logscale=logscale)
cmap, norm, extend = chooseColorLevels(sMin, sMax, colormap, clim=clim, nbins=nbins, extend=extend, logscale=logscale)

if axis is None:
setFigureSize(aspect, resolution, debug=debug)
Expand All @@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ def xyplot(field, x=None, y=None, area=None,
if interactive: addStatusBar(xCoord, yCoord, maskedField)
cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=.08, pad=0.02, extend=extend)
if centerlabels and len(clim)>2: cb.set_ticks( 0.5*(clim[:-1]+clim[1:]) )
elif len(clim)>2: cb.set_ticks( clim )
plt.xlim( xLims )
plt.ylim( yLims )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +222,10 @@ def annotateStats(axis, sMin, sMax, sMean, sStd, sRMS):
if npanels in [1,3]:
axis = plt.subplot(npanels,1,npanels)
if dcolormap is None: dcolormap = chooseColorMap(dMin, dMax)
cmap, norm, extend = chooseColorLevels(dMin, dMax, dcolormap, clim=dlim, nbins=nbins, extend=dextend)
if dlim is None and dStd>0:
cmap, norm, dextend = chooseColorLevels(dMean-2.*dStd, dMean+2.*dStd, dcolormap, clim=dlim, nbins=nbins, extend='both', autocenter=True)
cmap, norm, dextend = chooseColorLevels(dMin, dMax, dcolormap, clim=dlim, nbins=nbins, extend=dextend, autocenter=True)
plt.pcolormesh(xCoord, yCoord, maskedField1 - maskedField2, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
if interactive: addStatusBar(xCoord, yCoord, maskedField1 - maskedField2)
if dextend is None: dextend = extend
Expand All @@ -230,7 +237,7 @@ def annotateStats(axis, sMin, sMax, sMean, sStd, sRMS):
if len(ylabel+yunits)>0: plt.ylabel(label(ylabel, yunits))
if len(title3)>0: plt.title(title3)

if dRxy is not None: axis.annotate(' r(A,B)=%.5g\n'%(dRxy), xy=(1.0,-0.20), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
if dRxy is not None: axis.annotate(' r(A,B)=%.5g\n'%(dRxy), xy=(1.0,-1.1), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
if len(xlabel+xunits)>0: plt.xlabel(label(xlabel, xunits))
if len(suptitle)>0: plt.suptitle(suptitle)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,7 +465,10 @@ def annotateStats(axis, sMin, sMax, sMean, sStd, sRMS):
if npanels in [1, 3]:
axis = plt.subplot(npanels,1,npanels)
if dcolormap is None: dcolormap = chooseColorMap(dMin, dMax)
cmap, norm, extend = chooseColorLevels(dMin, dMax, dcolormap, clim=dlim, nbins=nbins, extend=dextend)
if dlim is None and dStd>0:
cmap, norm, dextend = chooseColorLevels(dMean-2.*dStd, dMean+2.*dStd, dcolormap, clim=dlim, nbins=nbins, extend='both', autocenter=True)
cmap, norm, dextend = chooseColorLevels(dMin, dMax, dcolormap, clim=dlim, nbins=nbins, extend=dextend, autocenter=True)
plt.pcolormesh(yCoord, zCoord, field1 - field2, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
if interactive: addStatusBar(yCoord, zCoord, field1 - field2)
cb3 = plt.colorbar(fraction=.08, pad=0.02, extend=dextend)
Expand All @@ -471,7 +481,7 @@ def annotateStats(axis, sMin, sMax, sMean, sStd, sRMS):
annotateStats(axis, dMin, dMax, dMean, dStd, dRMS)
if len(zlabel+zunits)>0: plt.ylabel(label(zlabel, zunits))

axis.annotate(' r(A,B)=%.5g\n'%(dRxy), xy=(1.0,-0.20), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
axis.annotate(' r(A,B)=%.5g\n'%(dRxy), xy=(1.0,-1.07), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
if len(ylabel+yunits)>0: plt.xlabel(label(ylabel, yunits))
if len(title3)>0: plt.title(title3)
if len(suptitle)>0: plt.suptitle(suptitle)
Expand All @@ -480,6 +490,89 @@ def annotateStats(axis, sMin, sMax, sMean, sStd, sRMS):
if interactive: addInteractiveCallbacks()
if show:

def ztplot(field, t=None, z=None,
tlabel=None, tunits=None, zlabel=None, zunits=None,
title='', suptitle='', autocenter=False,
clim=None, colormap=None, extend=None, centerlabels=False,
nbins=None, landcolor=[.5,.5,.5],
aspect=[16,9], resolution=576, axis=None,
ignore=None, save=None, debug=False, show=False, interactive=False):
Renders section plot of scalar field, field(x,z).
field Scalar 2D array to be plotted.
t t (or time) coordinate (1D array).
z z coordinate (1D array).
tlabel The label for the t axis. Default 'Time'.
tunits The units for the t axis. Default 'Years'.
zlabel The label for the z axis. Default 'Elevation'.
zunits The units for the z axis. Default 'm'.
splitscale A list of depths to define equal regions of projection in the vertical, e.g. [0.,-1000,-6500]
title The title to place at the top of the panel. Default ''.
suptitle The super-title to place at the top of the figure. Default ''.
autocenter If clim generated by script, set to be centered on zero. Default False.
clim A tuple of (min,max) color range OR a list of contour levels. Default None.
colormap The name of the colormap to use. Default None.
extend Can be one of 'both', 'neither', 'max', 'min'. Default None.
centerlabels If True, will move the colorbar labels to the middle of the interval. Default False.
nbins The number of colors levels (used is clim is missing or only specifies the color range).
landcolor An rgb tuple to use for the color of land (no data). Default [.5,.5,.5].
aspect The aspect ratio of the figure, given as a tuple (W,H). Default [16,9].
resolution The vertical resolution of the figure given in pixels. Default 720.
axis The axis handle to plot to. Default None.
ignore A value to use as no-data (NaN). Default None.
save Name of file to save figure in. Default None.
debug If true, report stuff for debugging. Default False.
show If true, causes the figure to appear on screen. Used for testing. Default False.
interactive If true, adds interactive features such as zoom, close and cursor. Default False.

# Create coordinates if not provided
tlabel, tunits, zlabel, zunits = createTZlabels(t, z, tlabel, tunits, zlabel, zunits)
if debug: print('t,z label/units=',tlabel,tunits,zlabel,zunits)
if ignore is not None: maskedField =, mask=[field==ignore])
else: maskedField = field.copy()
field2 = maskedField.T
tCoord = t; zCoord = z

# Diagnose statistics
sMin, sMax, sMean, sStd, sRMS = myStats(maskedField, None, debug=debug)
tLims = numpy.amin(tCoord), numpy.amax(tCoord)
zLims = numpy.amin(zCoord), numpy.amax(zCoord)
#zLims = boundaryStats(zCoord)

# Choose colormap
if nbins is None and (clim is None or len(clim)==2): nbins=35
if colormap is None: colormap = chooseColorMap(sMin, sMax)
cmap, norm, extend = chooseColorLevels(sMin, sMax, colormap, clim=clim, nbins=nbins, extend=extend, autocenter=autocenter)

if axis is None:
setFigureSize(aspect, resolution, debug=debug)
#plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=.10, right=.99, wspace=0, bottom=.09, top=.9, hspace=0)
axis = plt.gca()
plt.pcolormesh(tCoord, zCoord, field2, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
if interactive: addStatusBar(tCoord, zCoord, field2)
cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=.08, pad=0.02, extend=extend)
if centerlabels and len(clim)>2: cb.set_ticks( 0.5*(clim[:-1]+clim[1:]) )
if splitscale is not None:
for zzz in splitscale[1:-1]: plt.axhline(zzz,color='k',linestyle='--')
axis.set_yscale('splitscale', zval=splitscale)
plt.xlim( tLims ); plt.ylim( zLims )
axis.annotate('max=%.5g\nmin=%.5g'%(sMax,sMin), xy=(0.0,1.01), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=10)
if sMean is not None:
axis.annotate('mean=%.5g\nrms=%.5g'%(sMean,sRMS), xy=(1.0,1.01), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', fontsize=10)
axis.annotate(' sd=%.5g\n'%(sStd), xy=(1.0,1.01), xycoords='axes fraction', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=10)
if len(tlabel+tunits)>0: plt.xlabel(label(tlabel, tunits))
if len(zlabel+zunits)>0: plt.ylabel(label(zlabel, zunits))
if len(title)>0: plt.title(title)
if len(suptitle)>0: plt.suptitle(suptitle)

if save is not None: plt.savefig(save)
if interactive: addInteractiveCallbacks()
if show:

def chooseColorMap(sMin, sMax):
Expand All @@ -491,13 +584,14 @@ def chooseColorMap(sMin, sMax):
else: return 'dunneRainbow'

def chooseColorLevels(sMin, sMax, colorMapName, clim=None, nbins=None, steps=[1,2,2.5,5,10], extend=None, logscale=False):
def chooseColorLevels(sMin, sMax, colorMapName, clim=None, nbins=None, steps=[1,2,2.5,5,10], extend=None, logscale=False, autocenter=False):
If nbins is a positive integer, choose sensible color levels with nbins colors.
If clim is a 2-element tuple, create color levels within the clim range
or if clim is a vector, use clim as contour levels.
If clim provides more than 2 color interfaces, nbins must be absent.
If clim is absent, the sMin,sMax are used as the color range bounds.
If autocenter is True and clim is None then the automatic color levels are centered.
Returns cmap, norm and extend.
Expand All @@ -506,7 +600,11 @@ def chooseColorLevels(sMin, sMax, colorMapName, clim=None, nbins=None, steps=[1,
if len(clim)<2: raise Exception('clim must be at least 2 values long.')
if nbins is None and len(clim)==2: raise Exception('nbins must be provided when clims specifies a color range.')
if nbins is not None and len(clim)>2: raise Exception('nbins cannot be provided when clims specifies color levels.')
if clim is None: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins, steps=steps).tick_values(sMin, sMax)
if clim is None:
if autocenter:
levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins, steps=steps).tick_values(min(sMin,-sMax), max(sMax,-sMin))
levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins, steps=steps).tick_values(sMin, sMax)
elif len(clim)==2: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins, steps=steps).tick_values(clim[0], clim[1])
else: levels = clim

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -832,6 +930,24 @@ def createYZlabels(y, z, ylabel, yunits, zlabel, zunits):
if zunits is None: zunits='m'
return ylabel, yunits, zlabel, zunits

def createTZlabels(t, z, tlabel, tunits, zlabel, zunits):
Checks that y and z labels are appropriate and tries to make some if they are not.
if t is None:
if tlabel is None: tlabel='t'
if tunits is None: tunits=''
if tlabel is None: tlabel='Time'
if tunits is None: tunits=''
if z is None:
if zlabel is None: zlabel='k'
if zunits is None: zunits=''
if zlabel is None: zlabel='Elevation'
if zunits is None: zunits='m'
return tlabel, tunits, zlabel, zunits

def yzWeight(y, z):
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions tools/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ def run():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Script for plotting meridional overturning.''')
parser.add_argument('annual_file', type=str, help='''Annually-averaged file containing 3D 'vh' and 'e'.''')
parser.add_argument('-l','--label', type=str, default='', help='''Label to add to the plot.''')
parser.add_argument('-s','--suptitle', type=str, default='', help='''Super-title for experiment. Default is to read from netCDF file.''')
parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir', type=str, default='.', help='''Directory in which to place plots.''')
parser.add_argument('-g','--gridspec', type=str, required=True,
help='''Directory containing mosaic/grid-spec files ( and''')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,13 +102,16 @@ def findExtrema(y, z, psi, min_lat=-90., max_lat=90., min_depth=0., mult=1.):
cmap = plt.get_cmap('dunnePM')

if cmdLineArgs.suptitle != '': suptitle = cmdLineArgs.suptitle + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label
else: suptitle = rootGroup.title + ' ' + cmdLineArgs.label

# Global MOC
z = Zmod.min(axis=-1); psiPlot = MOCpsi(VHmod)*conversion_factor
yy = y[1:,:].max(axis=-1)+0*z
plotPsi(yy, z, psiPlot, ci, 'Global MOC [Sv]')
plt.xlabel(r'Latitude [$\degree$N]')
plt.suptitle(rootGroup.title+' '+cmdLineArgs.label)
findExtrema(yy, z, psiPlot, max_lat=-30.)
findExtrema(yy, z, psiPlot, min_lat=25.)
findExtrema(yy, z, psiPlot, min_depth=2000., mult=-1.)
Expand All @@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ def findExtrema(y, z, psi, min_lat=-90., max_lat=90., min_depth=0., mult=1.):
yy = y[1:,:].max(axis=-1)+0*z
plotPsi(yy, z, psiPlot, ci, 'Atlantic MOC [Sv]')
plt.xlabel(r'Latitude [$\degree$N]')
plt.suptitle(rootGroup.title+' '+cmdLineArgs.label)
findExtrema(yy, z, psiPlot, min_lat=26.5, max_lat=27.) # RAPID
findExtrema(yy, z, psiPlot, max_lat=-33.)
findExtrema(yy, z, psiPlot)
Expand Down

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