This project was originally forked from rsky/php-mecab with additional contributions pulled in from from ranvis/php-mecab.
(Please note that I am a Linux user and have only tested the Linux installation guide. The Mac and Windows installation guides have been pieced together from other sources.)
Before installing php-mecab, you must install MeCab.
Linux users can more than likely find MeCab in their distro repositories. Simply install 'mecab' and the package 'mecab-ipadic-utf8'. Ubuntu users can do this with the following command.
sudo apt-get install mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8
If that doesn't work, you can download the source and build it yourself. Note that this will require the package 'build-essential'. First pull in MeCab.
tar zxfv mecab-0.996.tar.gz
cd mecab-0.996
./configure --with-charset=utf8 --enable-utf8-only
Then get the dictionary file.
tar zxfv mecab-ipadic-2.7.0-20070801.tar.gz
cd mecab-ipadic-2.7.0-20070801
./configure --with-charset=utf8
You cna install MeCab with brew:
brew install mecab
There used to be an .exe installer available from this page, but it has been removed. You may need to build it from source.
First, verify that you have MeCab on your computer by testing it in the command line. Type mecab
and if you don't get an error, things are looking good. If you get an error that looks something like this param.cpp(69) [ifs] no such file or directory: /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic/dicrc
you need to find your dictionary file and pass it as a parameter. The directory is called 'ipadic-utf8' and needs to contain a file called 'unk.dic'.
mecab --dicdir=/path/to/dictionary/dic/ipadic/
Once you get mecab to start, type some Japanese and make sure you get an appropriate response.
~$ mecab
やっ 動詞,自立,*,*,五段・ラ行,連用タ接続,やる,ヤッ,ヤッ
た 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・タ,基本形,た,タ,タ
! 記号,一般,*,*,*,*,!,!,!
Install the following dependencies: php8.4: libmecab-dev build-essential
sudo apt-get install php8.4 libmecab-dev build-essential
Download the php-mecab source.
You will need to find the package 'mecab-config'. It is usually located at /usr/bin/mecab-config, but check to make sure. Let's use 'locate' because its easy.
sudo updatedb
locate mecab-config
That should give you a path that looks something like /usr/bin/mecab-config. We should now be ready to build our package. Put your mecab-config path after the --with-mecab-config option.
cd php-mecab-master/mecab
sudo ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config --with-mecab-config=/path/to/mecab-config
sudo make
sudo make install
Occasionally, configure will fail and throw the following error:
configure: error: wrong MeCab library version or lib not found. Check config.log for more information
This usually happens when mecab didn't install properly. To fix this, purge all mecab packages:
sudo apt-get --purge remove mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8 mecab-utils libmecab-dev
This will often not remove all the binaries so you may have to manually go into bin and remove them yourself.
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/mecab
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/mecab-config
Then, reinstall everything:
sudo apt-get install mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8 mecab-utils libmecab-dev
After completing this step, you should have a Go to /usr/lib/php5/ and find the package with a name that looks is similar to this: 20131226. Have a look in that file and should be in there.
We now just need to enable the mod.
For php7: Move to /etc/php/php7.0/mods-available/
cd /etc/php/php7.0/mods-available/
Next, create a new .ini file for mecab.
sudo touch mecab.ini
echo "" | sudo tee -a mecab.ini
And then we need to activate the module.
sudo phpenmod -v 7.0 mecab
Once this is done, you simply need to restart your web server. For Apache:
sudo service apache2 restart
And for nginx:
sudo service nginx restart
You should be ready to go.
Instructions should be the same as for Linux, but you may require the package xcode in order to properly compile the source code.
Installing php-mecab is the same as installing any other php extension. The following guide may be of use:
According to one of the php-mecab readme files:
The extension provides the VisualStudio V6 project file mecab.dsp. To compile the extension you open this file using VisualStudio, select the apropriate configuration for your installation (either "Release_TS" or "Debug_TS") and create "php_mecab.dll"
After successfull compilation you have to copy the newly created "php_mecab.dll" to the PHP extension directory (default: C:\PHP\extensions).
php-mecab can be used functionally or as an object.
MeCab sometimes requires a dictionary directory to be passed to it on initialization. The location of the directory seems to vary by system, so find 'ipadic-utf8' on your system and pass the full folder path. Often, there will be more than one 'ipadic-utf8' folders on a system. Make sure the one you use contains a file called 'unk.dic'. Without this, mecab will fail to initialize. Pass the the dictionary directory to MeCab with the console flag '-d' in an array.
The options passed to MeCab are the same as the options used in the command line program. Send them to the constructor in an array. Check the man page for MeCab for all available options.
New up a MeCab\Tagger object. Version 1.0.0:
$mecab = new \MeCab\Tagger();
Earlier versions:
$mecab = new \MeCab_Tagger();
If it does't work, or you get an error, try passing the array containing the command line flag '-d' and a dictionary folder path to it as a parameter.
$mecab = new \MeCab\Tagger(['-d', '/path/to/dictionary/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
The variable $mecab will be a MeCab\Tagger object. Throughout this guide, when I refer to $mecab in the object orientated sections, it will be a Tagger object.
Use the function mecab_new() to get a mecab resource. As with the Object Orientated approach, you may or may not have to pass it a dictionary directory.
$mecab = mecab_new(['-d', '/path/to/dictionary/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
The $mecab variable will be a resource of type 'mecab'. Throughout this guide, when I refer to $mecab in the functional sections, it will be a MeCab resource.
Split methods only split a string into an array of morphemes. They provide no information about the morphemes.
As of version 0.6.0, the split method is no longer on the Tagger object. The following only applies to previous versions. The split() method is static and so does not require an instance of Tagger. It might, however, need the dictionary directory path to be passed as an argument in order to function.
$split = \Mecab_Tagger::split('眠いです');
Or if that doesnt work.
$split = \Mecab_Tagger::split('眠いです', '/path/to/dictionary/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8');
// Results
[0] => 眠い
[1] => です
If you have an instance of MeCab\Tagger you can also call the method on the object. You will still need to pass the dictionary directory.
$split = $mecab->split('たこ焼きが食べたい');
// Results
[0] => たこ焼き
[1] => が
[2] => 食べ
[3] => たい
Use the funtion mecab_split(). It may or may not require the dictionary directory to be passed.
$split = mecab_split('パンダをいくらで買いますか');
$split = mecab_split('パンダをいくらで買いますか', '/path/to/dictionary/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8');
// Results
[0] => パンダ
[1] => を
[2] => いくら
[3] => で
[4] => 買い
[5] => ます
[6] => か
MeCab will parse strings of Japanese text and return results in either string form or as a MeCab\Node. The MeCab\Node class seems a little awkward and difficult to deal with at first, but they give the user a lot of power and make parsing results a little easier.
To parse a string and get results in string form, a couple options exist. The first is the parse() method.
$results = $mecab->parse('チョコレートがやめられない');
echo $results;
// Results
チョコレート 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,チョコレート,チョコレート,チョコレート
が 助詞,格助詞,一般,*,*,*,が,ガ,ガ
やめ 動詞,自立,*,*,一段,未然形,やめる,ヤメ,ヤメ
られ 動詞,接尾,*,*,一段,未然形,られる,ラレ,ラレ
ない 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・ナイ,基本形,ない,ナイ,ナイ
You could also use the parseToString() method which produces the exact same results.
$results = $mecab->parseToString('チョコレートがやめられない');
echo $results;
// Results
チョコレート 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,チョコレート,チョコレート,チョコレート
が 助詞,格助詞,一般,*,*,*,が,ガ,ガ
やめ 動詞,自立,*,*,一段,未然形,やめる,ヤメ,ヤメ
られ 動詞,接尾,*,*,一段,未然形,られる,ラレ,ラレ
ない 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・ナイ,基本形,ない,ナイ,ナイ
To get results in node form, use parseToNode().
$node = $mecab->parseToNode('ご飯作りたくない');
// Results
object(MeCab\Node) (0) {
To get results as a string, use the function mecab_sparse_tostr().
$node = mecab_sparse_tostr($mecab, 'パンダいらないよね');
echo $node;
// Results
パンダ 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,パンダ,パンダ,パンダ
いら 動詞,自立,*,*,五段・ラ行,未然形,いる,イラ,イラ
ない 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・ナイ,基本形,ない,ナイ,ナイ
よ 助詞,終助詞,*,*,*,*,よ,ヨ,ヨ
ね 助詞,終助詞,*,*,*,*,ね,ネ,ネ
For node results, use mecab_sparse_tonode().
$node = mecab_sparse_tonode($mecab, 'これ長くなってる');
// Results
resource(5) of type (node)
###Using Nodes Nodes make it easy to access the information MeCab provides and give users powerful ways to navigate through results.
The node returned from the parseToNode() methods discussed in the previous section is the first node in the series and only represents the first morpheme. In order to get information about the entire string, it is necessary to walk through all the nodes in the series. But before we tackle that, lets take a quick look at some of more useful methods we have at our disposal.
- getPrev(): Get the previous node in the series.
- getNext(): Get the next node in the series.
- getSurface(): Get the surface (the original morpheme) of the node.
- getFeature(): Get the feature (the MeCab info) of the node.
- getLength(): Get the length of the node's surface.
- toArray(): Get all the node's elements as an associative array.
- mecab_node_prev(): Get the previous node in the series.
- mecab_node_next(): Get the next node in the series.
- mecab_node_surface(): Get the surface (the original morpheme) of the node.
- mecab_node_feature(): Get the feature (the MeCab info) of the node.
- mecab_node_length(): Get the length of the node's surface.
- mecab_node_toarray(): Get all the node's elements as an associative array.
There are several other methods available, but these are the most useful at this point. For a full list of methods, see the Classes and Functions section of this guide. So let's see how we can walk through the nodes and extract the information we need.
You can go about this a couple ways. The first way simply walks through the nodes with a foreach loop.
$node = $mecab->parseToNode('カレーライスにしようかな');
foreach ($node as $n) {
. echo $n->getFeature() . "\n";
// Results
This isn't necessairly a bad way to do it, but it's a little too magical for my liking. If $node is the first node in the series (and it is, you can var_dump and verify this), it doesn't make sense to loop through each $node as $n where $node is a single node and $n is also a single node. Instead, I prefer to use MeCab\Node's methods to explicitly define what I am doing.
$node = $mecab->parseToNode('これの方がいい');
do {
. echo $node->getFeature() . "\n";
} while ($node = $node->getNext());
// Results
We can extract the logic to a general purpose looping function.
function walkThroughNodes(\Mecab\Node $node, $callback)
. do {
} while ($node = $node->getNext());
We can then pass our walkThroughNodes function a closure to tell it what to do with each node.
$node = $mecab->parseToNode('これの方がいい');
walkThroughNodes($node, function($node) {
. echo $node->getSurface() . "\n";
// Results
Now we have never have to worry about a basic walkthough again. We can simply pass our walkThroughNodes function a node and a callback.
As mentioned in the Object Orientated section above, we can simply walk through the nodes with a foreach loop, but I don't like that approach. Instead, lets use MeCab's nodes to our advantage.
$node = mecab_sparse_tonode($mecab, 'ビール飲みたい');
do {
. echo mecab_node_surface($node) . "\n";
} while ($node = mecab_node_next($node));
// Results
Like we did in the Object Orientated section, lets extract this to a function that we can send a callback to.
function walkThroughNodes($node, $callback)
. do {
} while ($node = mecab_node_next($node));
We can cuse our walkThroughNodes function like this.
$node = mecab_sparse_tonode($mecab, 'ビール飲みたい');
walkThroughNodes($node, function ($node) {
. echo mecab_node_surface($node) . "\n";
// Results
Now that we can extract information from Japanese strings using MeCab and php-mecab, let's take a quick look at what this information means.
$mecab = new \Mecab\Tagger(['-d', '/var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
$string = $mecab->parseToString('行く');
echo $string;
// Results
行く 動詞,自立,*,*,五段・カ行促音便,基本形,行く,イク,イク
Commonly in MeCab you will see BOS and EOS. These mean 'Beginning of Sentence' and 'End of Sentence', respectively. In output lines, there are generally two parts, the surface and the feature. The surface is the original morpheme and the feature is MeCab info. In our case, '行く' is the surface and '動詞,自立,,,五段・カ行促音便,基本形,行く,イク,イク' is the feature. Remember you can use nodes to easily extract this information.
The feature is a comma seperated string with nine sections. Section 1: Main part of speech category Section 2: Part of speech sub-category Section 3: Part of speech sub-category Section 4: Part of speech sub-category Section 5: Inflection type Section 6: Inflection form Section 7: Lemma (the root word found in the dictionary) Section 8: Reading Section 9: Pronunciation
In our example:
print_r(explode(',', '動詞,自立,*,*,五段・カ行促音便,基本形,行く,イク,イク'));
// Results
[0] => 動詞 // Main part of speech category
[1] => 自立 // Part of speech sub-category
[2] => * // Part of speech sub-category (none)
[3] => * // Part of speech sub-category (none)
[4] => 五段・カ行促音便 // Inflection type
[5] => 基本形 // Inflection form
[6] => 行く // Lemma (the root word found in the dictionary)
[7] => イク // Reading
[8] => イク // Pronunciation
What you do with this information is up to you!
Main class used to parse text.
- version()
- split()
- __construct()
- getPartial()
- setPartial()
- getTheta()
- setTheta()
- getLatticeLevel()
- setLatticeLevel()
- getAllMorphs()
- setAllMorphs()
- parse()
- parseToString()
- parseToNode()
- parseNBest()
- parseNBestInit()
- next()
- nextNode()
- formatNode()
- dictionaryInfo()
Return Mecab version.
* @return . string
Only on versions prior to 0.6.0. Split string into array of morphemes. Usually requires the dictionary directory to be passed as a parameter.
* @param . string $string . String to split.
* @param . string $dic_dir . Path to dictionary directory. (Optional)
* @param . string $user_dic . Path to user dictionary. (Optional)
* @param . callback $filter . Filter function or method. (Optional)
* @param . boolean $persistent (Optional)
* @return . array
$mecab = new \Mecab_Tagger(['-d', '/var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
$array = $mecab::split('行きます', '/var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8');
[0] => 行き
[1] => ます
Construct class instance.
* @param . array $arguments . Command line arguments.
* @param . boolean $persistent (Optional)
* @return . MeCab\Tagger
Get current partial parsing mode state.
* @return . boolean
Set partial parsing mode.
* @param . boolean $bool . Partial parsing mode.
Get current temparature parameter theta.
* @return . float
Set temparature parameter theta.
* @param . float/int $theta . Temparature parameter theta.
Get current lattice level.
* @return . int
Set lattice level.
* @param . int $level . Lattice level.
Get all-morphs output mode.
* @return . bool
Set all-morphs output mode.
* @param . bool $bool . All-morphs output mode.
Parse string and output results as string.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
$mecab = new \Mecab\Tagger(['-d', '/var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
$string = $mecab->parse('行きます');
行き 動詞,自立,*,*,五段・カ行促音便,連用形,行く,イキ,イキ
ます 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・マス,基本形,ます,マス,マス
Parse string and output results as string.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
$mecab = new \Mecab\Tagger(['-d', '/var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
$string = $mecab->parseToString('行きます');
行き 動詞,自立,*,*,五段・カ行促音便,連用形,行く,イキ,イキ
ます 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・マス,基本形,ます,マス,マス
Parse string and output results as MeCab/Node.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @return . MeCab/Node
$mecab = new \Mecab\Tagger(['-d', '/var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8']);
$node = $mecab->parseToNode('行きます');
[surface] =>
[feature] => BOS/EOS,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
[id] => 0
[length] => 0
[rlength] => 0
[rcAttr] => 0
[lcAttr] => 0
[posid] => 0
[char_type] => 0
[stat] => 2
[isbest] => 1
[alpha] => 0
[beta] => 0
[prob] => 0
[wcost] => 0
[cost] => 0
Parse given sentence and output N-best results as string. This method causes seg faults for me.
* @param . int $n . Number of results to obtain.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
Initialize N-best enumeration with a sentence.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @return . boolean
Get the next result of N-Best as a string.
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
Get the next result of N-Best as a node.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Format a node to a string.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node to be formatted.
* @return . string
Return array of dictionary info.
* @return . array
Returned by parseToNode method on Mecab\Tagger.
- getIterator()
- setTraverse()
- getPrev()
- getNext()
- getENext()
- getBNext()
- getRPath()
- getLPath()
- getSurface()
- getFeature()
- getId()
- getLength()
- getRLength()
- getRcAttr()
- getLcAttr()
- getPosId()
- getCharType()
- getStat()
- getAlpha()
- getBeta()
- getWCost()
- getCost()
- getProb()
- isBest()
- toArray()
- toString()
Return MeCab\NodeIterator.
* @return . MeCab\NodeIterator
Set the traverse mode.
* @param . long $mode . Traverse mode.
Get the previous node. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node which has same end point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node which has same beginning point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node which has same end point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab\Path
Get the next node which has same beginning point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab\Path
Get the surface of the node.
* @return . string
Get the feature of the node.
* @return . string
Get the ID of the node.
* @return . int
Get the length of the node's surface.
* @return . int
Get the length of the node's surface including it's leading whitespace.
* @return . int
Get the ID of the right context.
* @return . int
Get the ID of the left context.
* @return . int
Get the ID of the part of speech.
* @return . int
Get the type of character.
* @return . int
Get the status of the node.
* @return . int
0: Normal, MECAB_NOR_NODE 1: Unknown, MECAB_UNK_NODE 2: Beginning of Sentence, MECAB_BOS_NODE 3: End of Sentence, MECAB_EOS_NODE
Get the forward log probability.
* @return . float
Get the backward probability log.
* @return . float
Get the word arising cost.
* @return . int
Get the cumulative cost of the node.
* @return . int
Get the marginal probability of the node.
* @return . float
Determine whether the node is the best solution.
* @return . boolean
Get all elements of the node as an associative array.
* @param . boolean $dump_all . Dump all related nodes if true. (Optional)
* @return . array
Get the formatted string of the node.
* @return . string
Returned by getRPath and getLPath methods on MeCab/Node class.
Get the rnext path. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab/Path
Get the lext path. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab/Path
Get the rnode. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab/Node
Get the lnode. Return NULL if none.
* @return . MeCab/Node
Get the marginal probability of the path.
* @return . float
Get the cumulative cost of the path.
* @return . int
Node iterator class.
Return the current element.
* @return . MeCab\Node
* @return . int
Set pointer to next element.
Set pointer to beginning.
Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
* @return. boolean
- mecab_version()
- mecab_split()
- mecab_new()
- mecab_destroy()
- mecab_get_partial
- mecab_set_partial()
- mecab_get_theta()
- mecab_set_theta()
- mecab_get_lattice_level()
- mecab_set_lattice_level()
- mecab_get_all_morphs()
- mecab_set_all_morphs()
- mecab_sparse_tostr()
- mecab_sparse_tonode()
- mecab_nbest_sparse_tostr()
- mecab_nbest_init()
- mecab_nbest_next_tostr()
- mecab_nbest_next_tonode()
- mecab_format_node()
- mecab_dictionary_info()
- mecab_node_toarray()
- mecab_node_tostring()
- mecab_node_prev()
- mecab_node_next()
- mecab_node_enext()
- mecab_node_bnext()
- mecab_node_rpath()
- mecab_node_lpath()
- mecab_node_surface()
- mecab_node_feature()
- mecab_node_id()
- mecab_node_length()
- mecab_node_rlength()
- mecab_node_rcattr()
- mecab_node_lcattr()
- mecab_node_posid()
- mecab_node_char_type()
- mecab_node_stat()
- mecab_node_alpha()
- mecab_node_beta()
- mecab_node_wcost()
- mecab_node_cost()
- mecab_node_prob()
- mecab_node_isbest()
- mecab_path_rnext()
- mecab_path_lnext()
- mecab_path_rnode()
- mecab_path_lnode()
- mecab_path_prob()
- mecab_path_cost()
Return MeCab version. Return MeCab version.
* @return . string
Split string into array of morphemes.
* @param . string $string . String to split.
* @param . string $dic_dir . Path to dictionary directory. (Optional)
* @param . string $user_dic . Path to user dictionary. (Optional)
* @param . callback $filter . Filter function or method. (Optional)
* @param . boolean $persistent (Optional)
* @return . array
Create new MeCab resource.
* @param . array $arguments . Command line arguments.
* @param . boolean $persistent (Optional)
* @return . MeCab
Free the tagger.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
Get current partial parsing mode state.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @return . boolean
Set partial parsing mode.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . boolean $bool . Partial parsing mode.
Get current temparature parameter theta.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @return . float
Set temparature parameter theta.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . float/int $theta . Temparature parameter theta.
Get current lattice level.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @return . int
Set lattice level.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . int $level . Lattice level.
Get all-morphs output mode.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @return . bool
Set all-morphs output mode.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . bool $bool . All-morphs output mode.
Parse string and output results as string.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
Parse string and output results as MeCab/Node.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @return . MeCab/Node
Parse given sentence and output N-best results as string. This method causes seg faults for me.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . int $n . Number of results to obtain.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
Initialize N-best enumeration with a sentence.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . string $string . String to be parsed.
* @param . int $length . Length to be analyzed. (Optional)
* @return . boolean
Get the next result of N-Best as a string.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . int $output_lengt. Maximum length of output. (Optional)
* @return . string
Get the next result of N-Best as a node.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Format a node to a string.
* @param . MeCab $mecab . MeCab resource.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . string
Return array of dictionary info.
* @return . array
Get all elements of the node as an associative array.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @param . boolean $dump_all . Dump all related nodes if true. (Optional)
* @return . array
Get the formatted string of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . string
Get the previous node. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node which has same end point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node which has same beginning point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the next node which has same end point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Path
Get the next node which has same beginning point as the given node. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Path
Get the surface of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . string
Get the feature of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . string
Get the ID of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the length of the node's surface.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the length of the node's surface including it's leading whitespace.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the ID of the right context.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the ID of the left context.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the ID of the part of speech.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the type of character.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the status of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
0: Normal, MECAB_NOR_NODE 1: Unknown, MECAB_UNK_NODE 2: Beginning of Sentence, MECAB_BOS_NODE 3: End of Sentence, MECAB_EOS_NODE
Get the forward log probability.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . float
Get the backward probability log.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . float
Get the word arising cost.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the cumulative cost of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . int
Get the marginal probability of the node.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . float
Determine whether the node is the best solution.
* @param . MeCab\Node $node . Node of source string.
* @return . boolean
Get the rnext path. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Path $path . Path of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Path
Get the lext path. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Path $path . Path of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Path
Get the rnode. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Path $path . Path of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the lnode. Return NULL if none.
* @param . MeCab\Path $path . Path of source string.
* @return . MeCab\Node
Get the marginal probability of the path.
* @param . MeCab\Path $path . Path of source string.
* @return . float
Get the cumulative cost of the path.
* @param . MeCab\Path $path . Path of source string.
* @return . int
The University of the Ryukyus Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering maintains a php-mecab API documentation page that can be useful.
The MeCab documentation is here on github, but its in Japanese only and is a little outdated.
jordwest has translated parts the MeCab documentation into English here.
The MeCab api documentation is up on googlecode.
If you're using an IDE, fumikito has a gist that can help with php-mecab class recognition.
If an app your using requires php-mecab and you'd like to use Travis CI, check out the example-travis.yml file and the accompanying file in this repository.
Please help me to improve this guide. If you find errors or places where you feel this guide is lacking, please create an issue or make a pull request. Also, I would love to see this guide translated into other languages, especially Japanese. Any help with translations would be much appreciated.