Geo::Coder::List - Call many Geo-Coders
Version 0.35
Geo::Coder::All and Geo::Coder::Many are great routines but neither quite does what I want.
is designed to simplify geocoding tasks by aggregating multiple geocoding services into a single, unified interface.
It allows developers to chain and prioritize various geocoding backends (such as Google Places, OpenStreetMap, and GeoNames)
based on specific conditions,
such as location or usage limits.
The module features built-in caching mechanisms to optimize performance and reduce redundant API calls,
while also normalizing responses from different providers into a consistent format for easier integration with mapping systems such as HTML::OSM and <HTML::GoogleMaps::V3.
Creates a Geo::Coder::List
Takes an optional argument cache
which is a reference to a HASH or an object that supports get()
and set()
The licences of some geo coders,
such as Google,
specifically prohibit caching API calls,
so be careful to only use those services that allow it.
Takes an optional argument debug
the higher the number,
the more debugging.
use Geo::Coder::List;
use CHI;
my $geocoder->new(cache => CHI->new(driver => 'Memory', global => 1));
Add an encoder to the list of encoders.
use Geo::Coder::List;
use Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces;
# ...
my $list = Geo::Coder::List->new()->push(Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces->new());
Different encoders can be preferred for different locations. For example, this code uses for Canada and US addresses, and OpenStreetMap for other places:
my $geo_coderlist = Geo::Coder::List->new()
->push({ regex => qr/(Canada|USA|United States)$/, geocoder => Geo::Coder::CA->new() })
# Uses Geo::Coder::CA, and if that fails uses Geo::Coder::OSM
my $location = $geo_coderlist->geocode(location => '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC, USA');
# Only uses Geo::Coder::OSM
if($location = $geo_coderlist->geocode('10 Downing St, London, UK')) {
print 'The prime minister lives at co-ordinates ',
$location->{geometry}{location}{lat}, ',',
$location->{geometry}{location}{lng}, "\n";
# It is also possible to limit the number of enquires used by a particular encoder
$geo_coderlist->push({ geocoder => Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces->new(key => '1234', limit => 100) });
Runs geocode on all of the loaded drivers. See Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces::V3 for an explanation.
The name of the Geo-Coder that gave the result is put into the geocode element of the return value, if the value was retrieved from the cache the value will be undefined.
if(defined($location->{'geocoder'})) {
print 'Location information retrieved using ', $location->{'geocoder'}, "\n";
Accessor method to set the UserAgent object used internally by each of the Geo-Coders. You can call env_proxy, for example, to set the proxy information from environment variables:
my $geocoder_list = Geo::Coder::List->new();
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
Note that unlike Geo::Coders, there is no read method since that would be pointless.
Similar to geocode except it expects a latitude/longitude parameter.
print $geocoder_list->reverse_geocode(latlng => '37.778907,-122.39732');
Returns the log of events to help you debug failures, optimize lookup order and fix quota breakage.
my @log = @{$geocoderlist->log()};
Clear the log.
Nigel Horne, <njh at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-geo-coder-list at
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
reverse_geocode() doesn't update the logger. reverse_geocode() should support Geo::Location::Point objects.
Geo::Coder::All Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces Geo::Coder::Many
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Geo::Coder::List
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker
Copyright 2016-2025 Nigel Horne.
This program is released under the following licence: GPL2