This is final project for university course VRM - Programming for robots and manipulators at VUT Brno. It is a simple application of Fanuc CR-7iA robot simulation using ROS.
In robot's working envelope at random position is spawned an object (in our case a cube) to which robot will move. Trajectory of robot's movement is visualised.
It is based on this repository.
Program steps:
- Robot will move to home position
- All leftover objects will be removed from the scene
- Cube will be spawned at random position in robot's working envelope
- Robot trajectory will be calculated
- Planned trajectory will be visualized (in RViz "Marker" visualization has to be added)
- Robot will move to the center of the spawned object
- Repeat from step 2
Project was made using ROS Melodic Morenia on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).
- Create project directory
mkdir -p <directory_name>/src
- Go into project directory
cd <directory_name>/src
- Download Fanuc ROS1 drivers
git clone -b $ROS_DISTRO-devel
- Download project source files
git clone
- Go into main directory
cd ..
- Install project with all dependencies
rosdep update rosdep install --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO --ignore-src --from-paths src catkin_make
- Set all scripts as executable
chmod +x -R src
- In terminal1
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch fanuc_cr7ia_moveit_config demo.launch
- In terminal2
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch robot_ctrl demo.launch
- In terminal3
source devel/setup.bash rosrun robot_ctrl