Display description of the function under the cursor.
First, download and compile c-eldoc.el
wget http://github.com/nflath/c-eldoc/raw/master/c-eldoc.el
Then, place c-eldoc.el
into your site-lisp directory.
Finally, add following lines to your emacs config file (e.g. .emacs
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'c-turn-on-eldoc-mode)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'c-turn-on-eldoc-mode)
uses cache to reduce the times of compilation. This cache has expiration time (default 30 seconds) and you can customize this value.
(setq c-eldoc-buffer-regenerate-time 60)
You can customize the compiler and the compile options.
Here are the default values.
(defvar c-eldoc-cpp-command "/lib/cpp ") ;; compiler
(defvar c-eldoc-cpp-macro-arguments "-dD -w -P")
(defvar c-eldoc-cpp-normal-arguments "-w -P")
(defvar c-eldoc-includes "`pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags` -I./ -I../ ") ;; include flags
To customize them, use setq
(setq c-eldoc-cpp-command "/usr/local/bin/clang")