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Bump jquery from 3.1 to 3.5 #24107



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@ChristophWurst ChristophWurst commented Nov 13, 2020

Updates jquery and jquery-migrate to the latest versions.

Test just very shortly, nothing breaking found yet. Let's see what CI has to say. is the most critical change. Cause file list actions to render wrongly. It's easy to fix. We might want to grep through our code to find all self-closing divs and spans.


This comment has been minimized.

@ChristophWurst ChristophWurst force-pushed the dependachristoph/npm_and_yarn/jquery-3.5 branch from 3e5222a to cbbccfb Compare November 16, 2020 08:54
@nextcloud nextcloud deleted a comment from faily-bot bot Nov 16, 2020
Signed-off-by: Christoph Wurst <>
@ChristophWurst ChristophWurst force-pushed the dependachristoph/npm_and_yarn/jquery-3.5 branch from cbbccfb to 3b45907 Compare November 16, 2020 10:58
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faily-bot bot commented Nov 16, 2020

🤖 beep boop beep 🤖

Here are the logs for the failed build:

Status of 35572: failure


  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:3
  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:23
  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:86
  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:113
  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:402
Show full log
  Scenario: share a file with another user                                    # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:3
    Given I act as John                                                       # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                           # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                        # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as John                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                              # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"         # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    When I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                  # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list visibility could not be got
      │ Exception message: Element not found with xpath, (((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]
      │ Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"(((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]"}
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    Then I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"        # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I open the details view for "farewell.txt"                            # FileListContext::iOpenTheDetailsViewFor()
    And I see that the details view is open                                   # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsOpen()
    And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view                          # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView()
    And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded()
    And I see that the file is shared with me by "admin"                      # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWithMeBy()

  Scenario: share a file with another user that needs to accept shares        # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:23
    Given I act as John                                                       # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                           # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                        # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I visit the settings page                                             # SettingsMenuContext::iVisitTheSettingsPage()
    And I open the "Sharing" section                                          # AppNavigationContext::iOpenTheSection()
    And I disable accepting the shares by default                             # SettingsContext::iDisableAcceptingTheSharesByDefault()
    And I see that shares are not accepted by default                         # SettingsContext::iSeeThatSharesAreNotAcceptedByDefault()
    And I act as John                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                              # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"         # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    When I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                  # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list visibility could not be got
      │ Exception message: Element not found with xpath, (((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]
      │ Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"(((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]"}
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I see that the file list does not contain a file named "farewell.txt" # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListDoesNotContainAFileNamed()
    And I accept the share for "/farewell.txt" in the notifications           # NotificationsContext::iAcceptTheShareForInTheNotifications()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    Then I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"        # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I open the details view for "farewell.txt"                            # FileListContext::iOpenTheDetailsViewFor()
    And I see that the details view is open                                   # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsOpen()
    And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view                          # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView()
    And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded()
    And I see that the file is shared with me by "admin"                      # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWithMeBy()

  Scenario: reshare a file with another user                                  # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:86
    Given I act as John                                                       # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                           # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                        # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as Jim                                                          # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as "user1"                                             # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAs()
    And I act as John                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                              # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"         # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                   # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list visibility could not be got
      │ Exception message: Element not found with xpath, (((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]
      │ Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"(((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]"}
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    When I share "farewell.txt" with "user1"                                  # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
    And I see that the file is shared with "user1"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jim                                                          # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    Then I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"        # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I open the details view for "farewell.txt"                            # FileListContext::iOpenTheDetailsViewFor()
    And I see that the details view is open                                   # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsOpen()
    And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view                          # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView()
    And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded()
    And I see that the file is shared with me by "user0"                      # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWithMeBy()

  Scenario: owner sees reshares with other users                              # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:113
    Given I act as John                                                       # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                           # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                        # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as John                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                              # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"         # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                   # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list visibility could not be got
      │ Exception message: Element not found with xpath, (((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]
      │ Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"(((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]"}
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jane                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user1"                                   # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
    And I see that the file is shared with "user1"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    When I act as John                                                        # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                  # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I open the details view for "farewell.txt"                            # FileListContext::iOpenTheDetailsViewFor()
    And I see that the details view is open                                   # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsOpen()
    And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view                          # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView()
    And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded()
    Then I see that the file is shared with "user0"                           # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I see that the file is shared with "user1"                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()

  Scenario: sharee can not reshare a file with edit permission if the sharer disables it # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing.feature:402
    Given I act as John                                                                  # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                                      # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                                    # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                                   # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as John                                                                    # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                                         # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"                    # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                              # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list visibility could not be got
      │ Exception message: Element not found with xpath, (((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]
      │ Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"(((//html//*[starts-with(@id, 'app-content-')  and not(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' hidden '))])[1]//*[@id = 'fileList']//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' nametext ') and normalize-space() = 'farewell.txt']/ancestor::tr)[1]/descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-share ')])[1]"}
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: '8b7e04a44c7a', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-88-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                                       # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I set the share with "user0" as not editable                                     # FilesAppSharingContext::iSetTheShareWithAsNotEditable()
    And I see that "user0" can not edit the share                                        # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatCanNotEditTheShare()
    When I act as Jane                                                                   # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                             # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user1"                                              # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
    Then I see that the file is shared with "user1"                                      # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I see that "user1" can not edit the share                                        # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatCanNotEditTheShare()
    And I see that "user1" can not be allowed to edit the share                          # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatCanNotBeAllowedToEditTheShare()


  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature:170
  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature:195
  • tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature:225
Show full log
  Scenario: sharee can not reshare by link if resharing is disabled in the settings after the share is created # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature:170
    Given I act as John                                                                                        # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                                                            # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                                                          # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                                                         # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as John                                                                                          # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                                                               # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"                                          # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                                                    # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                                                             # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I visit the settings page                                                                              # SettingsMenuContext::iVisitTheSettingsPage()
    And I open the "Sharing" section of the "Administration" group                                             # AppNavigationContext::iOpenTheSectionOf()
    And I disable resharing                                                                                    # SettingsContext::iDisableResharing()
    And I see that resharing is disabled                                                                       # SettingsContext::iSeeThatResharingIsDisabled()
    When I act as Jane                                                                                         # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                                                   # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    Then I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"                                         # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I open the details view for "farewell.txt"                                                             # FileListContext::iOpenTheDetailsViewFor()
    And I see that the details view is open                                                                    # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsOpen()
    And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view                                                           # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView()
    And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded                                  # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded()
    And I see that the file is shared with me by "admin"                                                       # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWithMeBy()
    And I see that resharing the file by link is not available                                                 # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatResharingTheFileByLinkIsNotAvailable()

  Scenario: sharee can unshare a reshare by link if resharing is disabled in the settings after the reshare is created # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature:195
    Given I act as John                                                                                                # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                                                                    # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                                                                  # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                                                                 # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as John                                                                                                  # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                                                                       # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"                                                  # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                                                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is no longer attached to the DOM
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: 'ae9e765ce5d1', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-76-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                                                                     # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jane                                                                                                  # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                                                           # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I share the link for "farewell.txt"                                                                            # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareTheLinkFor()
    And I write down the shared link                                                                                   # FilesAppSharingContext::iWriteDownTheSharedLink()
    And I act as John                                                                                                  # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I visit the settings page                                                                                      # SettingsMenuContext::iVisitTheSettingsPage()
    And I open the "Sharing" section of the "Administration" group                                                     # AppNavigationContext::iOpenTheSectionOf()
    And I disable resharing                                                                                            # SettingsContext::iDisableResharing()
    And I see that resharing is disabled                                                                               # SettingsContext::iSeeThatResharingIsDisabled()
    When I act as Jane                                                                                                 # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                                                           # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I open the details view for "farewell.txt"                                                                     # FileListContext::iOpenTheDetailsViewFor()
    And I see that the details view is open                                                                            # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheDetailsViewIsOpen()
    And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view                                                                   # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheTabInTheDetailsView()
    And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded                                          # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheTabInTheDetailsViewIsEventuallyLoaded()
    And I unshare the link share                                                                                       # FilesAppSharingContext::iUnshareTheLink()
    Then I see that resharing the file by link is not available                                                        # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatResharingTheFileByLinkIsNotAvailable()

  Scenario: reshare by link can be accessed if resharing is disabled in the settings after the reshare is created # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature:225
    Given I act as John                                                                                           # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                                                               # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I act as Jane                                                                                             # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in                                                                                            # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedIn()
    And I act as John                                                                                             # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I rename "welcome.txt" to "farewell.txt"                                                                  # FileListContext::iRenameTo()
    And I see that the file list contains a file named "farewell.txt"                                             # FileListContext::iSeeThatTheFileListContainsAFileNamed()
    And I share "farewell.txt" with "user0"                                                                       # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareWith()
      │ Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be clicked
      │ Exception message: Element is no longer attached to the DOM
      │ For documentation on this error, please visit:
      │ Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
      │ System info: host: 'ae9e765ce5d1', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.15.0-76-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
      │ Driver info: driver.version: unknown
      │ Trying again
      Row for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds
      Share action for file farewell.txt in file list could not be found after 100 seconds (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the file is shared with "user0"                                                                # FilesAppSharingContext::iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith()
    And I act as Jane                                                                                             # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I open the Files app                                                                                      # FilesAppContext::iOpenTheFilesApp()
    And I share the link for "farewell.txt"                                                                       # FilesAppSharingContext::iShareTheLinkFor()
    And I write down the shared link                                                                              # FilesAppSharingContext::iWriteDownTheSharedLink()
    And I act as John                                                                                             # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I visit the settings page                                                                                 # SettingsMenuContext::iVisitTheSettingsPage()
    And I open the "Sharing" section of the "Administration" group                                                # AppNavigationContext::iOpenTheSectionOf()
    And I disable resharing                                                                                       # SettingsContext::iDisableResharing()
    And I see that resharing is disabled                                                                          # SettingsContext::iSeeThatResharingIsDisabled()
    When I act as Jim                                                                                             # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I visit the shared link I wrote down                                                                      # PublicShareContext::iVisitTheSharedLinkIWroteDown()
    Then I see that the current page is the shared link I wrote down                                              # PublicShareContext::iSeeThatTheCurrentPageIsTheSharedLinkIWroteDown()
    And I see that the shared file preview shows the text "Welcome to your Nextcloud account!"                    # PublicShareContext::iSeeThatTheSharedFilePreviewShowsTheText()


  • tests/acceptance/features/login.feature:38
Show full log
  Scenario: log in with invalid user once fixed by admin              # /drone/src/tests/acceptance/features/login.feature:38
    Given I act as John                                               # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I can not log in with user unknownUser and password 123456acb # LoginPageContext::iCanNotLogInWithUserAndPassword()
    When I act as Jane                                                # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I am logged in as the admin                                   # LoginPageContext::iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin()
    And I open the User settings                                      # SettingsMenuContext::iOpenTheUserSettings()
    And I click the New user button                                   # UsersSettingsContext::iClickTheNewUserButton()
      New user button in Users Settings could not be found (NoSuchElementException)
    And I see that the new user form is shown                         # UsersSettingsContext::iSeeThatTheNewUserFormIsShown()
    And I create user unknownUser with password 123456acb             # UsersSettingsContext::iCreateUserWithPassword()
    And I see that the list of users contains the user unknownUser    # UsersSettingsContext::iSeeThatTheListOfUsersContainsTheUser()
    And I act as John                                                 # ActorContext::iActAs()
    And I log in with user unknownUser and password 123456acb         # LoginPageContext::iLogInWithUserAndPassword()
    Then I see that the current page is the Files app                 # FilesAppContext::iSeeThatTheCurrentPageIsTheFilesApp()

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Let's do a smaller bump to 3.4 #24173 and rebase this one afterwards.

@ChristophWurst ChristophWurst added 2. developing Work in progress and removed 3. to review Waiting for reviews labels Nov 17, 2020
@rullzer rullzer mentioned this pull request Dec 14, 2020
59 tasks
@rullzer rullzer mentioned this pull request Dec 18, 2020
39 tasks
This was referenced May 20, 2021
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What is the status here?

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I don't have time to finish this. You may close.

@blizzz blizzz mentioned this pull request Jun 2, 2021
57 tasks
@ChristophWurst ChristophWurst deleted the dependachristoph/npm_and_yarn/jquery-3.5 branch June 2, 2021 13:23
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