This library provides tools for solving common tasks required when developing for Contao CMS.
You can install this library using Composer.
$ php composer.phar require netzmacht/contao-dev-tools:~1.0
####Toggle icon callback
This library ships with a common toggle state icon callback.
// dca/tl_custom.php
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_custom']['fields']['published']['button_callback'] =
'tl_custom', // The database table.
'published', // the state column
false, // Inverse the state. Set to true for invisible='' columns
'invisible.gif' // Disabled icon. If not set, icons are transformed from edit.gif to edit_.gif
####Convert models to options
One standard task using Contao models is to transform when to options for select lists or checkbox menus. Dev-Tools simplifies it for you.
- Convert collections to options arrays.
- Use callbacks to customize the labels.
- Group values by a third column/callback value.
public function yourOptionsCallback()
$collection = \PageModel::findAll();
// Empty collections by Contao are NULL. The OptionsBuilder handles is correctly.
return Netzmacht\Contao\DevTools\Dca\Options\OptionsBuilder::fromCollection($collection, 'id', 'name')
###Dependency injection
Contao does not provide any help for dependency injection. If you need some dependencies from the
[dependency container]( you can use this Trait:
class YourContentElement extends \ContentElement
use Netzmacht\Contao\DevTools\ServiceContainerTrait;
private $service;
public function __construct($model)
$this->service = $this->getService('your-required-service');
- PHP 5.4 is required.
- Contao 3.2 - 3.4 is supported.
- contao-community-alliance/dependency-container ~1.6 is required.