5.0.0 This is the Grails Shiro plugin for Grails version 5+ and Shiro 2.0.1.
Older released versions 3.4 and 4.4.
Version 4.5.9 supports Grails 4 with shiro 1.13.0 not released on maven, you can download the branch and use the ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal to install it manually
This project was derived from the Grails 2.x version (https://github.com/pledbrook/grails-shiro).
We pretty much re-wrote the plugin for Grails 3 & 4 and to simplify the use, improve the documentation and make it easier to maintain. There are lots of changes please check out the Guide in the docs directory.
In general the version number is following the Grails major version it supports, then release. e.g.
5.0.0 = Grails 5 plugin release 0 3.4 = Grails 3 plugin release 4 4.5.9 = Grails 4 plugin release 5.9
We are working on a Grails 6 plugin.
The Grails 5 plugin will be maintained to match shiro releases where possible and bugs fixed. We will add some extra AD LDAP support too.
In general the documentation applies to all versions of the plugin. Source code including specific documentation for older Grails versions can be found in the Branches.
To install, add this to your build.gradle
dependencies for Grails 5:
implementation "org.nerderg.plugins:grails-shiro:5.0.0" //include the shiro dependency, required in Gradle 5+ ['ehcache', 'core', 'spring', 'web'].each { pkg -> implementation("org.apache.shiro:shiro-$pkg:2.0.1") { exclude module: 'ejb' exclude module: 'jsf-api' exclude module: 'servlet-api' exclude module: 'jsp-api' exclude module: 'jstl' exclude module: 'jms' exclude module: 'connector-api' exclude module: 'ehcache-core' exclude module: 'slf4j-api' exclude module: 'commons-logging' } }
and this for Grails 4:
compile "org.grails.plugins:grails-shiro:4.4"
and this for Grails 3:
compile "org.grails.plugins:grails-shiro:3.4"
If you’re implementing your security from scratch, then you can install grails-shiro as above and typing
grails shiro-quick-start
See: grails shiro-quick-start.
This will create a ShiroWildcardDbRealm in your grails-app/realms
directory and make a ShiroUser and
ShiroRole domain class. It will also create an AuthController to let you log in.
Check out Wildcard DB Realm for how you might populate a couple of users using Boostrap.groovy.
Now, to Control access to a Controller add an Interceptor for that controller using
grails create-shiro-controller-interceptor MyController
See: create-shiro-controller-interceptor which will add access control by convention.
upgrade to Grails 5.3.6
Upgrade to Shiro 2.0.1
upgrade Gradle
you now need to include apache shiro in your build.gradle due to the newer versions of Gradle not pulling in transitive deps. Quick Fix below. |
dependencies {
// add this to dependencies to get shiro depenedencies
['ehcache', 'core', 'spring', 'web'].each { pkg ->
implementation("org.apache.shiro:shiro-$pkg:$shiroVersion") {
exclude module: 'ejb'
exclude module: 'jsf-api'
exclude module: 'servlet-api'
exclude module: 'jsp-api'
exclude module: 'jstl'
exclude module: 'jms'
exclude module: 'connector-api'
exclude module: 'ehcache-core'
exclude module: 'slf4j-api'
exclude module: 'commons-logging'
Upgrade to shiro version 1.13.0
Upgrade shiro to version 1.7.1 fixing CVE-2020-17523
Fixed Annotation redirect missing context path - #16
Upgrade to shiro 1.5.3
This introduces a small breaking change. Annotations now use the login and unauthorized settings not URL Mappings to set where they redirect to. |
upgrade to shiro 1.4.2
ported to Grails version 4.0.0 (thanks Peter Legen/animator013 for you help!)
Added ability to set the remember me cipherKey or the length of the randomly generated key
Fix for onNotAuthenticated and onUnauthorized not working correctly (Can’t be invoked on metaclass)
re-write from old Grails 2 plugin see updates in the Guide
To build the plugin yourself and install it from this repo:
clone or fork this repo to your machine
gradle publishToMavenLocal
and that will build, test, install it to your local maven repo (~/.m2) -
If you have the signing and repository credentials, you can run:
./gradlew publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository
But you should publish to staging and check everything first.
Peter Ledbrook looking after original grails shiro plugin
Chris Bitmead - Grails 5 and AD changes
and others for work on the previous version of the plugin.
Thank you to everyone who provides feedback!