A React component that renders images using the Imgix API. It uses the smallest images possible, and does cool stuff, like cropping to faces by default.
npm install --save react-imgix
import Imgix from 'react-imgix'
src={string} // required, usually in the form: 'https://[your_domain].imgix.net/[image]'. Don't include any parameters.
aggressiveLoad={bool} // whether to wait until the component has mounted to render the image, useful for auto-sizing, defaults to false
auto={array} // array of values to pass to Imgix's auto param, defaults to ['format']
bg={bool} // whether to render the image as a background of the component, defaults to false
component={string} // wrapper component to use, defaults to 'img' for inline, and 'div' when bg is true
entropy={bool} // whether or not to crop using points of interest. See Imgix API for more details. Defaults to false
faces={bool} // whether to crop to faces, defaults to true
fit={string} // see Imgix's API, defaults to 'crop'
fluid={bool} // whether to fit the image requested to the size of the component rendered, defaults to true
precision={number} // round to nearest x for image width and height, useful for caching, defaults to 100
height={number} // force images to be a certain height, overrides precision
width={number} // force images to be a certain width, overrides precision
generateSrcSet={bool} // generate 2x and 3x src sets when using an <img> tag. Defaults to true
customParams={object} // any other Imgix params to add to the image src
imgProps={object} // any other attributes to add to the html node (example: 'alt', 'data-*')
Author: Frederick Fogerty
License: ISC