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Releases: neilh10/ModularSensors

Deployment release

16 Nov 20:42
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After extensive testing, this is the release used in the field.
Retrieves LT500/RS485 and sends over Digi Modems to MonitorMy Watershed
This release is pre-built mayfly_0.34.1-abc_230314_1615_LT5_Mdbus_wireless.hex downloadable from

Test Report

Added #142 enhancement to list time for LTE to connect to internet
Bug fix #132 vbat detect slow rise on cold boot
Upgrade to TinyGSM 0.11.7-aab neilh10/TinyGSM#2 - only 1 write on boot
Fix #129 SeqNumber roll-over set to 5
Fix #141 DIgi LTE XB3 sleep doesn't change Airplane mode, only sleep req pin

Deployment release

18 Mar 00:18
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Deployment release Pre-release

After extensive testing, this is the release going to the field.
Retrieves LT500/RS485 and sends over Digi Modems to MonitorMy Watershed
This release is pre-built mayfly_0.34.1-abc_230314_1615_LT5_Mdbus_wireless.hex downloadable from

Test Report

Bug fix #132 vbat detect slow rise on cold boot

Bug fix

28 Dec 00:36
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Bug Fix for field based Mayfly LT5
#117. On booting now processes RDELAY and QUE0 with POST_MAX_NUM threshold

Merged to enviroDIY (develop) 0.34.0 Oct 31 commit b35723c -

SAMD51 Wio_T wip –a/wio01 ~ gets time NTP/UDP, working for first POST to MMW, doesn’t wake up after sleep

Released telemetry WiFi/LTE CAT-M1 to In-situ LT500/Modbus

Issue fixes

28 Dec 00:33
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Issue fixes Pre-release

Add support for new hardware knh002rev8 Modbus
#122 Modbus Power use D10
Power Pin use D10

Fixes for issues
Potentially fatal flaw, as could never push data to server.
Invalid Time set and MMW doesn't accept old dates
changed valid time ranges from 2022-Jan-02 to 2040-Jan-01
For a server response of 500 discard reading, as if http response 201

Add Build for simple field tester ~ ms_cfg.h

Infrastructure support
#120 - make DateTime adjustments compile option
Alpha a/wio01
Mayfly :change to rtcExtPhy & using namespace sodaq_DS3231_nm
Add [env:seeed_wio_terminal]
Wio Terminal startup ~ runs but when sleeps doesn’t wakeup

Use Mayfly1.1 board humidity, temperature, & filtered LiIon Vbat/A6

19 May 01:53
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This is a candidate release for interfacing to the LT500 either over Digi LTE CAT-M1 or Digi WiFi S6 module.

New Features
For LiIon measurements use onboard "Vbat" with filtering to reduce noise .
Uses Mayfly 1.1 onboard Humidity and Temperature sensor

Using RS485/KNH002rev7 to LT500 at default of 19200 E1

Parameters set on ms_cfg.ini:
Internet Access Test:
XB3-C-A2-UT001 version 11418/L0.,A.02.019

To test for WiFi S6 version 2026

Battery test:
Thresholds USEABLE=3.50V LOW=3.55V MEDIUM=3.60V GOOD=3.80V
Tested to Vbat drops below 3.8V, below which internet communications stops and medium power sensors continue to be polled.
Tested to Vbat drops below 3.60V, when all sensor sampling stops.
The LOW threshold of 3.55V could have been used to continue sampling for low power sensors, but this was not implemented.


Cleanup of using LocalEpoch time #108
Cleanup of Vbat filtering #107
Revert to modules AOSongAM2315.xx


24 Feb 20:44
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Bug release fixing memory leak #102
Only impacts mayfly_0.32.2_220216_1843_nano.hex
All "wireless" can be configured from ms_cfg.ini and only one .hex produced

v0.32.2.release1_211229 and maintenance

31 Dec 19:24
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v0.32.2.release1_211229 based on enviroDIY 0.32.2 and bug fixes for this fork.
Requires upgrade of EEPROM structure - run ms_cfg.ini0, ms_cfg.ini1

Context: The MMW server transitioned to a AWS, + bug fixes, and a lot of my effort went into doing regression testing for server fixes, which found ODM2 538, 524
However the server started experiencing resources problems and #91 was introduced to be kinder to the server ODM 543, 542
At the same time the Mayfly 1.0A3 was released, and some limited integration on 0.32.2 (master)
Fixes in this release:
#91 implemented SEND_QUE_SZ_NUM in examples\tu_xx01
#91 Add opt ms_cfg.ini:SEND_QUE_SZ_NUM limiting records stored to QUE0.txt
#92- for any dumped POSTs write to .log file – generate HTTP Status 903
#88 Rolling dbgYYMM.log name based on Tz
#34 No system stability issues with upgrades to STC3100 drivers that uses I2C Timeouts, arduino/ArduinoCore-avr#42
however this may result in some secondary non-critical STC3100 some issues Invalid I2C reads
Most testing using Mayfly 0.5b and RS485/SDI-12 board (Knh002rev7)
For all sample examples\tu_xx01\src\ini_opts*.ini use

Mayfly1.0a3 tested with WiFi, SDI-12 & STC3100 - worked
Mayfly1.0a3 limited test Digi LTE - worked
refactor fix modemVccPin for MS_MAYLFY_1_0 examples\tu_xx01
Create standalone examples/tu_ec01
add build git , to tty listing ID in examples/tu_xx01 tu_ec01
If unrecoverable err on uSD, reboot device (#35 related, more work #87)
$ git log --decorate --stat --after="2021-Oct-27" > releaselog.txt
based on master (0.32.2)

Built Images
mayfly_0.32.2_211229_1715_LT5KA_lte.hex used NA13
mayfly_0.32.2_211229_1715_LT5_lte.hex used Po03
mayfly_0.32.2_211229_1715_nano.hex (wifi) used LCC45


test06 with dual sensors LT500 and Keller Acculevel, Mayfly 0.5b, Digi CAT-M1 LTE with mayfly_0.32.2_211229_1715_LT5KA_lte.hex
test08 with Vegetronix SDI-12(LT500 standin) Mayly 0.5b, Digi WiFi with mayfly_0.32.2_211229_1715_LT5_wifi.hex
tu_xx01 ms_cfg.h_EC fails as WiFi turned on

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

v0.30.0.release1_211023 Bug fixes, WiFi works, Watchdog on all time

28 Oct 03:04
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v0.30.0.release1_211023 An incremental release with bug fixes
#21 Digi WiFi S6 working
#34 For AVR leave watchdog enabled all the time, including during sleep. Only process watchdog interrupt, ignore all others.
#77 Set default WIFIID_CDEF to non useable value, as other wise isn't set
#70 allow SDI-12 default error indication to be configurable

v0.30.0.release1_210831 Fuel Gauge (STC3100) and TTY input cmd

09 Sep 21:55
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v0.30.0.release1_210831 This is based on
And may be pulled from which defaults to branch release1
To build, read examples/tu_xx01/
Tested with (tbd: test setup reference)

New Features

Fuel Gauge STC3100 tested ~ cleanup #64
Add user cmd input. parsed in file tu_serialCmd.h, enabled with MS_TTY_USER_INPUT
Add cmd L? List Directory, LR list current logger from uSD
Update descriptions

MS_TTY_USER_INPUT not enabled for

az0.28.5.release1 [NETWORK]POST_MAX

12 Jul 20:54
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Requires EEPROM be initialized for POST_MAX, and supports uSD ms_cfg.ini0 and ms_cfg.ini1 to do this
(For developer comments for v0.28.5.release1 from v0.28.3 $ git log --decorate --stat --after="2021-Mar-24")
Changes from
New features included
#56 #10 - add capability of parsing on uSD ms_cfg.ini0, ms_cfg.ini1 then ms_cfg.ini
#52 Add cell phone connections to uSD .log
#49 Add ms_cfg.ini: [NETWORK] POST_MAX - requires EEPROM to be reinitialized.
#46 Fix LTE modem shouldn’t be used with low power
For modem pin mode fix STATUS, no known bugs.
Build improvement : Capture full build context including libs

For mayfly_0.28.5_210711_1449_LT5_lte.hex on boot ...
---Boot. Sw Build: src\tu_xx01.cpp Jul 11 2021 14:51:17 .
Sw Name: tu_LT5_lte LT500
ModularSensors version 0.28.5
TinyGSM Library version 0.11.4

For program files and sample ms_cfg.h see