This is the frontend of my social media application. To visit the demo, go to There you can either create a new account or log in with the following test account:
- Username:
- Password: test1234
The frontend was implemented with the following technologies:
- React
- React Router DOM
- Redux Persist
- Redux Toolkit
- CSS Modules
- Formik
- Material UI
- Axios
- Timeago.js
The app contains following functionality:
- Login via local autentication
- Registration
- See and update profile (including profile picture)
- Follow and unfollow other users
- See profile of other users
- Create a new post (with emojis and one image)
- Delete own posts
- Mark post with a heart
- Bookmark post
- Create and view comments of a post
- View individual posts
- Home: See all posts from user and persons, the user has followed
- Explore: See all posts
- Hearted: See all posts user has marked with a heart
- Bookmarks: See all posts user has bookmarked
- Profile: See all posts of the person, whose profile the user is visiting
The following features will be implemented in the future:
- OAuth authentication with Google
- Password confirmation flow with email
- Edit account (change username and password)
- Share post (link and social share)
- Integrate instant messaging
- Dockerize to improve local usage