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This repo contains scripts to:

  • Download spreadsheets containing specifications for AMF data products from a folder in Google Drive

  • Generate check suites for the IOOS compliance checker based on the contents of the spreadsheets

  • Generate controlled vocabulary files from the spreadsheets

The checks are generated in YAML format for use with the cc-yaml plugin for compliance-checker. The code for the checks themselves is implemented in compliance-check-lib.


Depencendies for Compliance Checker and compliance-check-lib include some packages that must be compiled from source, which can be tricky to set up. The recommended way to get set up is to use a CentOS 6 machine and do the following:

  • Install the JASMIN Analysis Platform

  • Install the following packages: yum install python27-netCDF4 python27-iris python27-cf python27-virtualenv python27-cf_units

(alternatively use a JASMIN VM which will already have the JAP and those packages installed)

Then create a Python 2.7 virtual environment and install the required python packages:

virtalenv -p python2.7 --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install git+ \
            git+ \
            git+ \


The simplified workflow to create the checks and vocabs is:

  1. download
  2. make checks
  3. make CVs

Define a temporary output directory and create it to write the checks/vocabs to:

export DATA_DIR=$PWD/check-data
mkdir -p $DATA_DIR

Set the version of the checks/vocabs to use:


NOTE: Before downloading the spreadsheets the first time, see the 'authentication' section below.

Download the content of the Google spreadsheet vocabularies/rules into local files:

download-from-drive -v $VERSION --regenerate --secrets client-secret.json $DATA_DIR

Run a script to create the YAML representation of the checks:

create-yaml-checks -s $DATA_DIR -v $VERSION

Run a script to create the Controlled Vocabularies (in JSON and PYESSV formats):

create-cvs -s $DATA_DIR -v $VERSION

Run an example check (maybe having downloaded the training data):


# Run the checker on some test data

amf-checker --yaml-dir $DATA_DIR/$VERSION/checks $TEST_FILE --version $VERSION



Usage: download-from-drive [--secrets <secrets JSON>] <output dir>.

This script recursively finds all spreadsheets under a folder in Google Drive and saves each worksheet as a .tsv file (the root folder ID is hardcoded in amf_check_writer/

The directory structure of the Drive folder is preserved, and a directory for each spreadsheet is created. The individual sheets are saved as <sheet name>.tsv inside the spreadsheet directory.

For example, after running download-from-drive /tmp/mysheets with a test folder:

$ tree /tmp/mysheets
├── first-spreadsheet.xlsx
│   ├── Sheet1.tsv
│   └── Sheet2.tsv
└── sub-folder
    ├── second-spreadsheet.xlsx
    │   └── Sheet1.tsv
    └── sub-sub-dir
        └── other-spreadsheet.xlsx
            └── my-sheet.tsv

5 directories, 4 files


Downloding spreadsheets from Google Drive requires the script to authenticate as your Google account. This is done using a JSON file obtained from the Google API dashboard.

  • Visit

  • Select a project from the dropdown in the header bar, or create a new project (blue button named 'Create project')

  • Click the 'Enable APIs and Services' button in the header bar

  • Search for 'Google Drive API'. Click the result and press 'Enable'. Return to the dashboard and do the same for 'Google Sheets API'

  • Return to the dashboard and click 'Credentials' in the sidebar on the left (key icon)

  • Click 'Create credentials' and select 'OAuth client ID'. Select 'Desktop app' for application type and follow the prompts. Dismiss the popup that appears.

  • You should see the newly created credentials in the table. On the right hand side of the table there is a download icon ('Download JSON'). Click it and save the JSON file.

  • Run download-from-drive and use the --secrets option to point to the JSON file just downloaded. Credentials are cached in ~/.credentials after initial authentication, so --secrets is only required the first time.

  • You will be given a URL to visit in a web browser and prompted for a verification code. This lets you sign into a Google account and give permission for the app to access your data on Google drive/sheets.

Alternatively follow the quickstart guide on the Google sheets site to enable the sheets API and create credentials (this also allows you to create a new project):

After this visit the API dashboard to enable the Drive API, as detailed above. You do not need to create another credentials JSON file.


Usage: create-cvs [--pyessv-dir <pyessv root>] <spreadsheets dir> <output dir>.

This script reads .tsv files downloaded with download-from-drive, and generates controlled vocabularies in JSON format from various worksheets. Each file is saved in <output dir> as AMF_<name>.json.

CVs are created for:

  • List of instruments and their names and descriptions
  • List of platforms
  • List of data products
  • List of creators (AMF_scientist.json)
  • Variable names and expected attributes (and values) for each data product
  • Dimension names and expected attributes (and values) for each data product
  • Variable/dimension names and attributes common to all data products (AMF_product_common_{variable,dimension}_{air,land,sea}.json)

The format of the CVs is specific to each type.

Each CV is also saved with pyessv and written to pyessv's archive directory. The directory can be overridden with the --pyessv-dir option. Beware that if you use a non-standard pyessv archive directory, you must set PYESSV_ARCHIVE_HOME environment variable accordingly when running compliance-checker or amf-checker.


Usage: create-yaml-checks <spreadsheets dir> <output dir>.

This script reads .tsv files and produces YAML checks to be used with cc-yaml and compliance-check-lib.

Similar to create-cvs, checks are saved in <output dir> as AMF_name.yml. Checks are created for:

  • Variable/dimension specifications (common and per-product)
  • Global attribute checks
  • File info (name, size etc...) and file structure

For each data product/deployment mode combination, a check AMF_product_<name>_<mode>.yml is created that includes global checks and the relevant variable/dimensions checks for the product and mode. e.g.:


suite_name: product_soil_land_checks
# Global checks
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_file_info.yml}
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_file_structure.yml}
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_global_attrs.yml}
# Common checks for 'land' deployment mode
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_product_common_dimension_land.yml}
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_product_common_variable_land.yml}
# Product specific
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_product_soil_dimension.yml}
- {__INCLUDE__: AMF_product_soil_variable.yml}


Usage: amf-checker [--yaml-dir <yaml dir>] [-o <output dir>] [-f <output format>] <dataset>...

Wrapper script around compliance-checker to automatically find and run the relevant YAML checks for AMF datasets. See --help output for detailed help on the meaning of the available options.

<dataset> can be either the path to a NetCDF file or a directory, in which case all files in the directory are checked. Multiple files/directories can be given, so shell globs can be used: e.g.

amf-checker /path/to/data/*.nc


There are tests - run using:

pytest amf_check_writer/


Library to write AMF compliance checks







No packages published

Contributors 3
