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NATS Controllers for Kubernetes (NACK)

JetStream Controller

The JetStream controllers allows you to manage NATS JetStream Streams, Consumers, Key/Value Stores, and Object Stores via Kubernetes CRDs.

Resources managed by NACK controllers are expected to exclusively be managed by NACK, and configuration state will be enforced if mutated by an external client.

Getting started

Install with Helm:

helm repo add nats
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install nats nats/nats \
  --set config.jetstream.enabled=true \
  --set config.jetstream.memoryStore.enabled=true \
  --set config.cluster.enabled=true --wait

helm upgrade --install nack nats/nack \
  --set jetstream.nats.url=nats://nats.default.svc.cluster.local:4222 --wait

(Optional) Enable Experimental controller-runtime Controllers

Note: The updated controllers will more reliably enforce resource state. If migrating from an older version of NACK, as long as all NATS resources are in-sync with NACK resources no modifications are expected.

The jetstream-controller logs will contain a diff of any changes the controller has made.

helm upgrade nack nats/nack \
  --set jetstream.nats.url=nats://nats.default.svc.cluster.local:4222 \
  --set jetstream.additionalArgs={--control-loop} --wait

Creating Streams and Consumers

Let's create a a stream and a couple of consumers:

kind: Stream
  name: mystream
  name: mystream
  subjects: ["orders.*"]
  storage: memory
  maxAge: 1h
kind: Consumer
  name: my-push-consumer
  streamName: mystream
  durableName: my-push-consumer
  deliverSubject: my-push-consumer.orders
  deliverPolicy: last
  ackPolicy: none
  replayPolicy: instant
kind: Consumer
  name: my-pull-consumer
  streamName: mystream
  durableName: my-pull-consumer
  deliverPolicy: all
  filterSubject: orders.received
  maxDeliver: 20
  ackPolicy: explicit
kind: KeyValue
  name: my-key-value
  bucket: my-key-value
  history: 20
  storage: file
  maxBytes: 2048
  compression: true
kind: ObjectStore
  name: my-object-store
  bucket: my-object-store
  storage: file
  replicas: 1
  maxBytes: 536870912 # 512 MB
  compression: true
# Create a stream.
$ kubectl apply -f

# Check if it was successfully created.
$ kubectl get streams
mystream   Ready     mystream      [orders.*]

# Create a push-based consumer
$ kubectl apply -f

# Create a pull based consumer
$ kubectl apply -f

# Check if they were successfully created.
$ kubectl get consumers
NAME               STATE     STREAM     CONSUMER           ACK POLICY
my-pull-consumer   Ready     mystream   my-pull-consumer   explicit
my-push-consumer   Ready     mystream   my-push-consumer   none

# If you end up in an Errored state, run kubectl describe for more info.
#     kubectl describe streams mystream
#     kubectl describe consumers my-pull-consumer

Now we're ready to use Streams and Consumers. Let's start off with writing some data into mystream.

# Run nats-box that includes the NATS management utilities, and exec into it.
$ kubectl exec -it deployment/nats-box -- /bin/sh -l

# Publish a couple of messages from nats-box
nats-box:~$ nats pub orders.received "order 1"
nats-box:~$ nats pub orders.received "order 2"

First, we'll read the data using a pull-based consumer.

From the above my-pull-consumer Consumer CRD, we have set the filterSubject of orders.received. You can double check with the following command:

$ kubectl get consumer my-pull-consumer -o jsonpath={.spec.filterSubject}

So that's the subject my-pull-consumer will pull messages from.

# Pull first message.
nats-box:~$ nats consumer next mystream my-pull-consumer
--- subject: orders.received / delivered: 1 / stream seq: 1 / consumer seq: 1

order 1

Acknowledged message

# Pull next message.
nats-box:~$ nats consumer next mystream my-pull-consumer
--- subject: orders.received / delivered: 1 / stream seq: 2 / consumer seq: 2

order 2

Acknowledged message

Next, let's read data using a push-based consumer.

From the above my-push-consumer Consumer CRD, we have set the deliverSubject of my-push-consumer.orders, as you can confirm with the following command:

$ kubectl get consumer my-push-consumer -o jsonpath={.spec.deliverSubject}

So pushed messages will arrive on that subject. This time all messages arrive automatically.

nats-box:~$ nats sub my-push-consumer.orders
17:57:24 Subscribing on my-push-consumer.orders
[#1] Received JetStream message: consumer: mystream > my-push-consumer / subject: orders.received /
delivered: 1 / consumer seq: 1 / stream seq: 1 / ack: false
order 1

[#2] Received JetStream message: consumer: mystream > my-push-consumer / subject: orders.received /
delivered: 1 / consumer seq: 2 / stream seq: 2 / ack: false
order 2

Getting Started with Accounts

You can create an Account resource with the following CRD. The Account resource can be used to specify server and TLS information.

kind: Account
  name: a
  name: a
    - nats://nats:4222
      name: nack-a-tls
    ca: "ca.crt"
    cert: "tls.crt"
    key: "tls.key"

You can then link an Account to a Stream so that the Stream uses the Account information for its creation.

kind: Stream
  name: foo
  name: foo
  subjects: ["foo", "foo.>"]
  storage: file
  replicas: 1
  account: a # <-- Create stream using account A information

The following is an example of how to get Accounts working with a custom NATS Server URL and TLS certificates.

# Install cert-manager
kubectl apply -f

# Install TLS certs
cd examples/secure

# Install certificate issuer
kubectl apply -f issuer.yaml

# Install account A cert
kubectl apply -f nack-a-client-tls.yaml

# Install server cert
kubectl apply -f server-tls.yaml

# Install nats-box cert
kubectl apply -f client-tls.yaml

# Install NATS cluster
helm upgrade --install -f nats-helm.yaml nats nats/nats

# Verify pods are healthy
kubectl get pods

# Install JetStream Controller from nack
helm upgrade --install nack nats/nack --set jetstream.enabled=true

# Verify pods are healthy
kubectl get pods

# Create account A resource
kubectl apply -f nack/nats-account-a.yaml

# Create stream using account A
kubectl apply -f nack/nats-stream-foo-a.yaml

# Create consumer using account A
kubectl apply -f nack/nats-consumer-bar-a.yaml

After Accounts, Streams, and Consumers are created, let's log into the nats-box container to run the management CLI.

# Get container shell
kubectl exec -it deployment/nats-box -- /bin/sh -l

There should now be some Streams available, verify with nats command.

# List streams
nats stream ls

You can now publish messages on a Stream.

# Push message
nats pub foo hi

And pull messages from a Consumer.

# Pull message
nats consumer next foo bar

Local Development

# First, build the jetstream controller.
make jetstream-controller

# Next, run the controller like this
./jetstream-controller -kubeconfig ~/.kube/config -s nats://localhost:4222

# Pro tip: jetstream-controller uses klog just like kubectl or kube-apiserver.
# This means you can change the verbosity of logs with the -v flag.
# For example, this prints raw HTTP requests and responses.
#     ./jetstream-controller -v=10

# You'll probably want to start a local Jetstream-enabled NATS server, unless
# you use a public one.
nats-server -DV -js

Build Docker image

make jetstream-controller-docker ver=1.2.3

NATS Server Config Reloader

This is a sidecar that you can use to automatically reload your NATS Server configuration file.

Installing with Helm

For more information see the Chart repo.

helm repo add nats
helm upgrade --install nats nats/nats


  enabled: true
  image: natsio/nats-server-config-reloader:0.16.1
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Local Development

# First, build the config reloader.
make nats-server-config-reloader

# Next, run the reloader like this

Build Docker image

make nats-server-config-reloader-docker ver=1.2.3

NATS Boot Config

Installing with Helm

For more information see the Chart repo.

helm repo add nats
helm upgrade --install nats nats/nats


  image: natsio/nats-boot-config:0.16.1
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Local Development

# First, build the project.
make nats-boot-config

# Next, run the project like this

Build Docker image

make nats-boot-config-docker ver=1.2.3