Python Script
This repo contains python code that collects weather data about any city in the world.
Run the code.
import requests
from pprint import pprint
API_Key = ''
city = input("Enter a city: ")
base_url = "" + API_Key + "&q=" + city
weather_data = requests.get(base_url).json()
Enter a city: London
{'base': 'stations',
'clouds': {'all': 99},
'cod': 200,
'coord': {'lat': 51.5085, 'lon': -0.1257},
'dt': 1631937768,
'id': 2643743,
'main': {'feels_like': 286.62,
'humidity': 92,
'pressure': 1014,
'temp': 286.8,
'temp_max': 288.82,
'temp_min': 283.53},
'name': 'London',
'sys': {'country': 'GB',
'id': 2019646,
'sunrise': 1631943620,
'sunset': 1631988544,
'type': 2},
'timezone': 3600,
'visibility': 6000,
'weather': [{'description': 'overcast clouds',
'icon': '04n',
'id': 804,
'main': 'Clouds'}],
'wind': {'deg': 0, 'speed': 1.03}}